Yoga Master Fred Busch shares his thoughts and wisdom on Health, Yoga, the Environment and Current Events. Fred is the founder of Miami Yoga and Brickell Hot Yoga in Florida, USA. FRED Busch is director of HOT POWER Yoga Teacher Training in studios in Miami, New York, Denver, London, Malta, Moscow, Lima, and Bogota. Power Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats are also offered at FRED Busch's Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado's Rocky Mountains. www.fredbusch.com www.miamiyoga.com www.salamadhi.com
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Yoga Alliance Teacher Training 500
Monday, June 27, 2011
Diabetes Rate Doubles Worldwide
The number of adults with diabetes in the world has more than doubled since 1980, a study in the Lancet says.
Researchers from Imperial College London and Harvard University in the US analysed data from 2.7m people across the world, using statistical techniques to project a worldwide figure.
The total number of people with all forms of the disease - which can be fatal - has risen from 153m to 347m.
The authors called for better detection and treatment to combat the rise.
Its authors said 70% of the rise was down to people living longer.
The rise has been most pronounced in the Pacific Islands. In the Marshall Islands a third of all women have the condition.
Majid Ezzati, of Imperial College London, said: "Diabetes is becoming more common almost everywhere in the world.
"Unless we develop better programmes for detecting people with elevated blood sugar and helping them to control their weight, diabetes will continue to impose a major burden on health systems around the world."
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Yoga for Veterans in Miami and South Florida
Attention Yoga Teachers:
We will be having a FREE workshop shortly at Brickell Hot Yoga to train teachers how to teach Yoga to VETERANS who have returned from duty in Iraq and Afganistan. Studios that want to participate can email me and i will put you in touch with the director of the fledgling organization... David Frankel is his name!
I will announce the time and date of the workshop and then this will be a springboard for the program beginning at Brickell Studio as well as sending teachers to the V.A.
this is all volunteer...pure karma yoga... and these guys deserve to have some peace and meditation, some yoga, in their lives. they have risked their life and many are very injured and traumatized... so if you have a drive to help Veterans and their families by teaching them yoga... email me to fredb@miamiyoga.com
i am the number one culprit of someone who lives a life without thinking about these guys out there in war...this is one way we can all step up and do our share to help these men and women reintegrate and relax a bit
the organization that i am supporting is called CONNECTED WARRIORS
email me to fredb@miamiyoga.com if you want to get on my list of possible teachers for this
Warnings coming to cigarette packs finally!
Finally the USA is catching up with Europe on the labelling of cigarettes boxes!
U.S. Releases Graphic Images to Deter Smokers
Nine images — one of a corpse and another of a man with a tracheotomy opening in his neck — are to appear on cigarette packages next year.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Why do we breathe deep in Yoga?
Monday, June 20, 2011
Allaine Stricklen's Teacher Training at Brickell HOT Yoga

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Power Yoga Europe Teacher Training with Fred Busch in Malta
I am very excited to be hosted by Jungle Spirit Malta and this is a great chance for students from Europe to experience the Teacher Training Program that has been instrumental in changing people's lives on many levels.
Yoga Instructor Course - Fred Busch Power Yoga Europe Teacher Training in Malta
for info contact fredb@miamiyoga.com
Yoga Teacher Training Instructor Course - Miami - Starting for Summer
Yoga Alliance 200 and 500 Hour Level Accreditation in Miami, Florida with Fred Busch and Allaine Stricklen
for info email fredb@miamiyoga.com
Some of the topic covered include:
An unique and detailed introduction to sanskrit, including the sacred sanskrit alphabet
Yoga Philosophy
1. Raja Yoga (The Royal Path):
* Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and Eight Limb Path.
2. Karma Yoga (Selfless Service)
* Philosophy and Practice.
3. Bhakti Yoga (Devotional Love)
* Chanting, Dieties, Gurus, and the Hindu Scriptures and Gods.
4. Jnana Yoga (Wisdom and Knowledge)
*Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy of non-dualsim.
Asana Alignment and Posture Clinic Breakdown
Learn the do's and dont's, variations, sequencing fundamentals, verbal tips, use of props, order of instruction, body diagnostics, and visual recognition of problems for the following categories:
- Sun Salutations
- Standing Poses
- Seated Poses
- Back Bends
- Inversions
- Arm Balances
- Relaxation
Teaching Methodology and Critique:
-YOU will be able to teach:
- Vinyasa Flow sequences
- Power Yoga
- Healing sequences
- Easy does it yoga
- Special needs yoga for various populations
- Private Lessons
- Corporate Yoga
- Pranayama
- Meditation
Yoga Assists and Adjustments
To include light touch assisting, grounding, intention in touch, partner yoga, aroma therapy, and yoga massage.
The Yoga Diet
Study with author and renown food expert Fred Busch. Learn the secrets about food that become the keys to Yoga and spiritual growth.
Community Building
Join a unique community that will support you physically, socially and spiritually.
The Business of Teaching Yoga
You will learn how to run a yoga studio, organize a weekly class schedule, find work in spas, condos, and gyms, cultivate private clients, create your own niche, insurance, resume building, references, and how much to charge.
Overview of Hatha Yoga
(Asana Styles) in the Western World Today. We will compare and contrast todays hatha yoga culture by analyzing the Ashtanga, Anusara, Iyengar, Kundalini, Bikram, Vinyasa, Power, Sivananda, Kripalu, Jivamukti, Restorative, and Yin styles of hatha yoga.
Yogic Physiology
Study the metaphysical principles of yoga including the chakras, the nadis (esoteric nerve channels), the aura and subtle bodies, bio-energetics and vibration, and ayurveda (the doshas.)
Physical Anatomy
10 hours of instruction on classic bodily systems, anatomical terms, bio-mechanics, and contra-indications, all with specific references to asana practice
I'm Teaching Sundays 10:30am for next 6 Sundays
Hope to see you there!
to get on my list to receive text messages about other public classes as they come up please email me your phone number to fredb@miamiyoga.com
Thursday, June 9, 2011
USDA Finally Repeals the Food Pyramid
NY Times Reports that USDA has repealed and replaced the 'Food Pyramid' guideline to what constitutes a healthy meal. It is good that it has been replaced by something slightly better and easier to understand. Now it is represented as a plate of food with the size proportions visually scaled to priority. The good thing is that fruits and vegetables are seen as a foundation and more than 50%.
Obesity and eating habits are obviously directly linked and the obesity epidemic in the USA show no sign of abating. We must all realize that so many problems can all get solved if you relinquish our dependence on animal foods. Not only will we become a healthier and happier species overall, we also can solve deforestation, global warming, and many other environmental threats that our habits have created.Remember that the single most important thing you can do to stop global warming or slow it, is to become a vegan. It is that simple. Healthy Person, Healthy Planet is how this thing works i believe.