Yoga Master Fred Busch shares his thoughts and wisdom on Health, Yoga, the Environment and Current Events. Fred is the founder of Miami Yoga and Brickell Hot Yoga in Florida, USA. FRED Busch is director of HOT POWER Yoga Teacher Training in studios in Miami, New York, Denver, London, Malta, Moscow, Lima, and Bogota. Power Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats are also offered at FRED Busch's Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado's Rocky Mountains. www.fredbusch.com www.miamiyoga.com www.salamadhi.com
Friday, August 31, 2007
Realize your Power
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Feedback Cycles are the Law
Negative feedback cycles are simple to describe. You eat something unwise, it makes you feel depressed and sad, so you eat something else to make you feel better and then it makes you feel bad again. You gain wait so you get discouraged so you just eat more so you gain more weight. Simple and common i guess.
The beauty of it is that it works the other way also.
You eat kind of good and exercise daily for a couple of days and you start to feel remarkably better and it gets easier for you to make a smarter food decision and that helps you exercise better, which makes you feel better, which makes you want to keep eating a little smarter, and so it goes in the positive direction.
Use this universal law for your benefit! Start it all off with a piece of fruit and a Sun- Salutation.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Everything in the Material World is Relative
You think you have a problem? Can you eat? Do you have a place to sleep at night? Are you dying of a disease presently? Then no, you really don't have a problem. We all give too much weight to situations that don't resemble problems, and we often let our minds cycle around in thoughts of self-pity or anger. Our small situations are not problems. Problems are war and disease, not things that are more aptly just smaller annoyances. Most of the time, what is seen as a problem in our society can be turned into an opportunity to learn something and make a change if necessary. Most of the time, calling something a problem is not required, and only creates the problem. Read Eckart Tolle's THE POWER OF NOW if you have not.
Putting a positive or negative charge on anything is not required.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Alleviating Lower Back Pain
Fred Busch Lower Back Pain Resources
Many people have lower back pain and it is chronic for them. Most people who have lower back pain engage in actions that make it worse, sometimes in the name of making it better. Many people do forward bends to try to ‘stretch’ the lower back or ‘get’ to the spot through a stretch. This is not a good idea. First of all for clarity the type of lower back pain I am specifically referring to in this case is the sacra-iliac joint area where the sacrum meets the ileum. But I am also referring to back pain caused by herniated discs on the bottom lumbar vertebrae. If it is sacra-iliac, sometimes it is felt more on one side or the other and it is always a deep kind of sensation. For this type of back pain, which is fairly common, the following advice if followed has a significant chance of eliminating the pain. The exercises must be practiced daily because if we want to have a pain free existence, we have to earn it.
It is very important to understand that Yoga can either help or hurt a lower back situation. The wrong Yoga poses can do added damage to the situation. Many inexperienced teacher don’t understand the necessity to treat lower back pain specifically, so if you go to a yoga class you must employ the following principles on your own and without exceptions.
What it all comes down to is this: The hamstrings are attached to the Pelvis at the sitting bones and the hamstrings thus affect the ability of the pelvis to tilt forward during forward bends. So if the hamstrings are tight they will limit the pelvic tilt and as a result there will be a great stress in the sacra-iliac joint or in the herniated lumbar discs because the pelvis is not tilting yet the student is attempting for pull himself down anyway. It is a tug of war between the hamstrings and the sacra-iliac joint and the hamstrings are stronger so they will win. With that understanding it will now make sense to employ the following guidelines to keep the lower back safe while doing Yoga classes.
Actions to Avoid:
Most importantly avoid all forward bending that has legs straight and together at the same time. Seated forward bend and standing forward bends with legs together and straight is the most dangerous of all.
Avoid twisting if you have herniated disc history unless you are certain in what you are doing.
Actions to perform every day:
Exercise #1: Downward Facing Dog with knees slightly bent. Bend one knee at a time and do little mini runner’s lunges.
Exercise #2: Lie on your back and lasso a strap around the base of your big toe and pull on your straight leg. One leg at a time, switching sides every three breaths.
Repeat these for 15 minutes, back and forth.
For more information look at Fred Busch’s Book- A Clear and Definite Path.
You can email the author at namaste@miamiyoga.com