Yoga Master Fred Busch shares his thoughts and wisdom on Health, Yoga, the Environment and Current Events. Fred is the founder of Miami Yoga and Brickell Hot Yoga in Florida, USA. FRED Busch is director of HOT POWER Yoga Teacher Training in studios in Miami, New York, Denver, London, Malta, Moscow, Lima, and Bogota. Power Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats are also offered at FRED Busch's Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado's Rocky Mountains. www.fredbusch.com www.miamiyoga.com www.salamadhi.com
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Water from Thin Air! This is earth saving technology for real!
These are devices that generate perfect drinking water from the air itself!
This is the greatest news i have heard in a long time related to the environment and people living without clean drinking water in the world. This here is the answer, no question. Spread the word, hopefully the big charities will discover this technology for use world wide. We can use this in our homes also and get the benefit of not having to drink recycled tap water or bottled waters from mysterious sources.
check it out:
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Fred Busch Yoga Retret December 2008 PICS
Friday, December 5, 2008
Press Release for London Yoga Teacher Training 2009
London’s Only
is coming to town!
Featuring Fred Busch
March 1 – May 1, 2009
At Fulham Yogashala
11-12 Lettice Street
Fulham sw6
London, England….United States’ Yoga Teacher Fred Busch will be heading a Power Yoga Teacher Training Program and leading Student Teachers through a comprehensive understanding of Yoga in all of it’s dimensions. From Anatomy, Yoga Philosophy, Sanskrit Pronunciation, Asana Alignment principles and more, Fred Busch offers a complete foundational level Teacher’s certification.
Fred Busch has directed the Teacher’s Training Program at Miami Yogashala, his own studio, located on South Beach since 1999.
Fred Busch offers access to a direct lineage of some of the world’s greatest Yoga Masters as he has personally studied under the following trained professionals:
Sri Dharma Mitra
Gary Kraftsow (student of Sri Desikichar, son of T. Krisnamacarya himself)
Rod Stryker (tantra Yoga master in lineage of Swami Rama and Himilayan Institute)
Aadil Palkivhala (childhood student of BKS Iyengar and in spiritual tradition of Sri Aurobindo) and others.
Students will complete this training and have a full understanding of:
- A unique and detailed introduction to Sanskrit, including the sacred Sanskrit alphabet and Devanagri.
Yoga Philosophies:
Raja Yoga (the Royal Path):
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and Eight Limb Path
Karma Yoga (Selfless Service):
Philosophy and Practice
Bhakti Yoga (Devotional Love):
Chanting, Dieties, Gurus, and the Hindu Scriptures and Gods
Jnana Yoga (Wisdom and Knowledge):
Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy of non-dualism.
Asana Alignment and Posture Clinic Breakdown including:
The do’s and don’t’s; variations; sequencing fundamentals; verbal tips; use of props; order of instruction; body diagnostics; and visual recognition of problems for the following categories:
Sun Salutations
Standing Poses
Seated Poses
Back Bends
Arm Balances
Teaching Methodology and Critique enabling Student Teachers how to teach:
Vinyasa Flow sequences
Power Yoga
Healing Sequences
Easy-does-it Yoga
Special Needs Yoga for various populations
Private lessons
Corporate Yoga
Pranayama (yoga of breathing)
The Yoga Diet:
A full study with Author and Renown expert Fred Busch
Yoga Assists and Adjustments including:
Light touch assisting
Intention in touch
Partner yoga
Yoga massage
Community Building:
Join a unique community that is physically, socially and spiritually supportive
The Business of Teaching Yoga including:
How to run a Yoga studio
How to organize a weekly class schedule
How to find work in Spa’s, Condominiums and Gyms
How to cultivate private clients
How to create a unique niche
How much to Charge
How to build a Resume
References and Insurance
Yogic Philosophy - A study of the metaphysical principles of Yoga including:
The Nadis (esoteric nerve channels)
The Aura and subtle bodies
Bio-energetics and vibration
Ayurveda (the dosha’s)
Physical Anatomy:
Bodily Systems
And an overview of HATHA YOGA (Asana Styles) in today’s Western World. This training will compare and contrast today’s Hatha Yoga culture by analyzing the Ashtanga, Anusara, Iyengar, Kundalini, Bikram, Vinyasa, Power, Sivananda, Kripalu, Jivamukti, Restorative and Yin Styles of Hatha Yoga.
“Fred: There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you and all the knowledge you have passed on to me. I am forever grateful for all of your words of wisdom which I again use daily in my own classes. And I apply all of the sequences and incredible techniques each and every day!” ……………….quote from Student
Fred Busch will be teaching March 1-21 and April 19-25
For More Information Contact:
Amelie or Vicky at info@fulhamyogashala.co.uk
Monday, November 24, 2008
Dates for Advanced (Level 2) Yoga Teacher Training on South Beach 2009
Module 2-----February 5- Feb 25
Module 1-----September 17-October 8
Module 2----- October 8- October 29
Monday, November 10, 2008
Advanced Teacher Training in South Beach with Fred Busch
South Beach, Florida 2009
The Level II Teacher Training will have two modules. Candidates are required to have complete a Yoga Alliance Registered 200 or 500 hour program to be eligible .
Each module will be three weeks in duration and will meet for 30 Hours Per Week for a total of 90 Hours per Module. Successful completion of the Level II Advanced Teacher Training will require the following: Completion of all Hours of Both Modules, Special Project, Practical Exam, Written Exam.
Module 1 will be offered January and September. Module 2 will be offered in February and October. Thus this course can be completed in 2 months or 10 Months as a person can choose to do Module 1 in January and Module 2 in either February or October. We can assist in locating apartments on South Beach on a monthly basis.
Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9am-1pm and 3pm-8pm/ Monday and Wednesday 5pm-8pm/ Sunday 10:30am-5pm Tuition $1950 per Module ($3900 Total/ $650 per week)
Module 1-
Course Subject Lesson Intention
Intermediate Anatomy- Muscle Attachments To learn every muscle and attachment point in the body.
Intermediate Asana- Personal Practice Development To help you develop your personal practice to the highest level possible.
Intermediate Sanskrit- Sanskrit Proficiency
To teach you how to read and write in Sanskrit proficiently.
Massage Therapy for Yoga Teachers Swedish Massage Techniques for relaxation.
To provide experience with body work and handling students bodies intelligently.
Intermediate Sanskrit- Mantras To learn to read, chant and write several sacred mantras in Sanskrit.
Special Research Project Research subject of your choice relating to yoga. To teach you how to research yoga topics.
Module II will review the information presented in Module I and will also include the following new curriculum:
Course Subject Lesson Intention
Pranayama The safe Pranayamas To provide some basic safe pranayama exercises for most people.
Yoga Anatomy Nervous System, Immune System, Digestive System, Endocrine System To provide detailed overviews of the many systems operating in the human body.
Teaching Techniques Sequencing Options To provide lessons in creating different sequences for different intentions.
Teaching Techniques Adjustments for all poses Hands on experience with adjusting a variety of poses.
Yoga Philosophy Book Report on Ramayana or Mahabharata Give you the opportunity to read one of the greatest epics ever written.
Massage Therapy for Yoga Teachers Shiatsu, Thai Massage Hands on experience doing bodywork from the east.
Teaching Techniques Private Yoga Classes Techniques for individual cases and situations.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Power Yoga and Injuries
The truth is that we almost never want to take a day off of yoga per se, but we do want to take a few days off of aggravating the situation. Simply changing your yoga sequencing to emphasize other aspects of your practice more, will allow it to heal. The body does not heal unless it is exercising, generally speaking.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Modern Medicine would rather manage disease than cure it.
My book will also help... go to www.fredbusch.com and check it out.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Food Talk to Benefit Haiti THIS WEEKEND!
Saturday 2:30pm at Brickell Yogashala
Sunday 2:30pm at Miami Yogashala
$50 Donation to CARE or any organization who is aiding Haiti in its recovery from the Hurricanes is the Tuition
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Yoga Retreats on South Beach
December 11th-14th
April 19th-24th
Royal Palm Resort and Miami Yogashala on South Beach section of Miami Beach, Florida.
Miami Yogashala on South Beach is a large open aired yoga studio located directly across the street from the ocean. Royal Palm Resort is located on the ocean just a few blocks from the studio so a car rental is not necessary. South Beach is a world famous international destination and we look forward to seeing you in Sunny Miami Beach.
This program caters to all levels of student ranging from those trying yoga for the first time to those with over 20 years' experience. While this yoga vacation retreat is just that - a vacation- you are part of a program with a specific structure and class times. In addition Fred Busch will work with individuals on advanced options for postures, new breathing techniques or perhaps a specific mantra or meditation.
December 11th Thursday Night- 6:15pm-9pm (optional)
December 12th Friday 9am-6pm
December 13th Saturday 8:30am-6pm
December 14th Sunday 8:30am-4pm
Below prices are for 3 Nights accomodations
(Dec 11th-13th Nights) and departure on Sunday the 14th.
This is flexible and if you want to stay longer or shorter this can be arranged.
$1250 including 3 nights at Royal Palm Resort plus Lunch
$650 if you will not require accommodations includes Lunch
South Beach in Miami has world class beaches and a beautiful Art Deco architecture.
Live a week eating good food, swimming in the Caribbean sea part of the Atlantic Ocean, and studying Yoga and Meditation with Fred Busch.
Fred Busch Power Yoga and Meditation programs offer the opportunity to begin your transformation toward a healthier and happier you. Fred instructs how to allow your inner bliss and radiance to reveal itself.
Why go on a yoga Retreat?
You might ready to rejuvenate your body and mind from the daily stresses of life. You may be on edge, discouraged, interested in a challenge or just determined to change your lifestyle. You might be a yoga or pilates enthusiast who wants to explore your practice on a deeper level, or simply someone who wants to have a week off just for themselves.
This is a golden opportunity to step out of your daily life and get back in touch with nature and your true self. As the Retreat unfolds, you'll find yourself rejuvenated, rested, replenished, and renewed on more than one level.This program offers a perfect combination of Yoga Asanas, Pranayama, relaxation, healthy food, fresh air, amazing sights and inspiring teaching.
Our programs are open to people of any faith, age, background or sexual orientation; be prepared to release mental and emotional energy blocks. After a few days you'll feel your energy start to rise. Going on a yoga retreat energizes the body, while also a means to release pent up stress and anxiety and reconnect with yourself.
After a retreat with us, you will not only feel like you got away from it all, but will also return home with a toolkit of knowledge and healthy patterns that you can apply to your everyday life. The focus of our retreat is a daily yoga practice combined with Meditation techniques. We feel aligned to the philosophy that yoga helps you do anything better. And when you combine Yoga with meditation techniques and information about eating smarter, you have created a powerful synergy that will move your body, mind and soul in the enlightened direction.
For details call 786-280-4069
or retreats@southbeachyoga.com
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Paramamsa Nithyananda
Paramahamsa Nithananda is an Enlightened Master only 33 years old and is someone i throw the full weight of my support and trust. He is a spectacular and pure light on Earth and i suggest you to see for yourself how REAL this person is as an absolute Master! We have been blessed by his presence. May God be praised.
www.lifebliss.org is his foundation site.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Healing the Wrists in Yoga
Friday, August 1, 2008
Sun Salutations in Yoga for Lower Back Pain
In its place, deeply bend your knees while doing any forward bending. In order to lengthen your hamstrings, we will employ this pose where we lie on our back and pull on our straight leg. That’s the most effective way to lengthen hamstrings and it does so in a way that is absolutely and totally safe for lower backs. Also note if you have herniated discs, avoid almost all twists unless you are with a very competent teacher and you engage your belly. Please note, it’s very important that you bend your knees during the forward bending as a way to alleviate the stress in the sacroiliac joint, which is a ligament, not a tendon. Okay?
An example of Sun Salutation for lower backs is inhale, your arms above your head. Exhale, forward bend and deeply bend your knees. Inhale, look up, keep your knees bent. Exhale, step your feet back and lower yourself down. Inhale, cobra pose or upward dog. Exhale, Downward Dog.
Fred Busch Interview with Italian Press in 2008
Fred Busch: Yeah. That was the main catalyst for me. I was spiritually aware when I was a kid. I don’t know how, but even when I was 15 and 14, I was reading Lao Tse and Zen Buddhism and things about enlightenment, Taoism. In high school, I was attracted to that stuff.
And then I went and I studied wildlife and all that, and I traveled around the world and kept learning as much as I could about how the world works and all that. And then I got deathly sick?
Interviewer: What it was age when you started to get sick?
Fred Busch: 22. 23. 1998. And that’s how I came very close to dying, and I got very lucky to be saved to speak, as fast as I was, so I basically got very lucky even though I got very sick. I had a very powerful realization about how valuable life is and how precious it is and how sacred it is, and I never forgot that vision because it’s burned into my brain, and I dreamed about being physically fit, and I dreamed about – this is while I was in bed, sweating and wondering whether I was going to survive or not.
I was dreaming about running through the grass; and I was dreaming about what it would be like to be healthy again. I could just feel how lucky I would be if I could get all that back. So although I was treated successfully in Africa, I came back to the States to recover.
And I was very weak, and that’s when I found yoga.
Interviewer: This was ’98 still?
Fred Busch: Yeah. Uh-huh. And as soon as I started doing yoga, I realized how valuable it was, and I started doing it basically every day right away. I wasn’t like a once a week kind of person for a couple of years. It never happened with me. Once I started, I started directly.
And then the yoga brought in the awareness of my body, which I went to a school for healing and massage therapy, and I studied all about the body and anatomy and the science behind the body. And I also studied food and nutrition and what is human food and what is not human food. And I studied all of that very extensively during this time in 98 and 99.
And I put it all into practice because everything I studied made sense to me, the idea of eating food that wasn’t cooked made a lot of sense to me, cause I studied wildlife, and I’ve seen how the world works out in the wild, so everything was common sense to eat food that wasn’t destroyed. So I ate well.
So for seven straight years, I did yoga every single day and ate 100% raw food. And basically, I used myself as the science experiment for what is this gonna do? And every single day I got stronger, and every single day I felt better. And to this day, I feel like I’m getting stronger every single day.
Interviewer: Are you still eating the raw food?
Fred Busch: No.
Interviewer: A little bit –
Fred Busch: Oh, a lot. I’m still eat –
Interviewer: Vegetarian.
Fred Busch: I still eat very very well by average standards, but compared to the 100% raw food, I’ve eased off that only because it was easier in my lifestyle to ease off of it. I can’t pretend that it wasn’t. It’s a little bit more fun to eat some toast once in a while.
Interviewer: But you still don’t touch animal, which is the most important.
Fred Busch: Oh no. No way. Nothing from an animal.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Power Yoga Teacher Training Certification in London- 2009
Date: 1st of March to 3rd May
Price:£2450 (deposit £1000) £2250 if deposit given before 15th December.
Payment received by 1st of February in order to receive books and manuals. The idea being that students have to read the materials before the start of the TT.
- Fred's dates: 1st to 15th
Students will have to book to observe as there will be one spot per class in order not to disturb the clients of the Shala.
Monday, June 23, 2008
A Quote by Dr. Robert Snaidach of the Transformation Instititute
You are what you eat
Friday, June 20, 2008
Health is Beauty
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Yoga Bootcamp to Detox and Destress
Deeped your practice, strengthen your body, connect to your divine essence, and recharge your battery for spiritual light.
Take one step to God, and he takes 99 steps to you.
August 16th-23rd, 2008
Maya Tulum, Mexico (Fly to Cancun)
www.southbeachyoga.com and then goto EVENTS
or retreats@southbeachyoga.com
Wrist Therapy to heal wrists
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Ruckus Society
Greetings Ruckus Family,
This has been a busy spring and we have goodies for you to watch and experience with us! We hosted an amazing Tactics Summit, and supported community actions with Klamath River indigenous folks, anti-Chevron activists, and Palestinian solidarity youth.
IP3 met with residents of Kaua'i that work on a plethora of land rights, environmental and sovereignty issues - and while there, took over the air waves with this great, in-depth interview.
We demanded the comprehensive media we need to support our action communities at the National Council on Media Reform.
Not Your Solider partnered with Bay Peace and Fellowship of Reconciliation to host 'Creative Resistance: Our Dreams Will Not be Recruited!' At the event, Sharon (Projects Director) reported her experience in Colombia and the amazing tactics they are using to resist the military. And in the midst of all that, Oakland United just keeps getting better!
We are gearing up for Fall trainings! Make sure your organization, college, or affinity group requests trainings for the rest of this Summer and Fall asap! We offer over 20 trainings in the area of direct action organizing, media, tactics, strategy, election protection and organizational development. Utilize our network of experienced trainers: visit www.ruckus.org/trainingsoffered to request trainings!
In order to continue this awesome work we need everyone's support. Donate one time or become a monthly donor ($5-100 a month). Make a donation and make a difference!
Check below for the lastest Videos and Interviews!
Peace and Love,
Celeste, Marty, Hannah, Megan, Sabba, Adrienne & Sharon
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testetstetejvttestest | |||||
Request training and action support. We offer over 20 trainings. | |||||
In order to continue this awesome work we need everyone's support. Donate one time or become a monthly donor. | |||||
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Request training and action support. We offer over 20 trainings. testtesttesttest | |||||
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Yoga Teacher Training in Peru with Fred Busch
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
फ्री तिबेत फ्री Free Tibet Peaceful Protest
Contact: Liliana Rojas
786 355 7816
While Olympic Torch Passes Through the U.S. Tomorrow
What: Friends of Tibet, a local supporters group for the freedom of Tibet, wants to send a message of peace and reconciliation for a Free Tibet.
The protest will consist of a silent meditation.
The group is comprised by local Buddhists, yogis, and friends that admire and respect the ancient teachings of Tibetan Buddhism.
Friends of Tibet invite others that want to support the peaceful and silent protest, by writing their message in banners.
Dress Code: white clothing with colorful scarves.
When: Wednesday, April 9, from 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Where: McArthur Causeway. At the entrance of FisherIsland. Miami Beach, Fla
Note to the Video, and photo opportunities available.
Sandra Montenegro
montenegro+public relations
www.montenegroplus.comTuesday, April 8, 2008
Read "Skinny Bitch!"
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
National Yoga Party Endorses Barack Obama
National Yoga Party Charter
The National Yoga Party is an association of organized voters who practice Yoga and so share a common understanding of the world and the steps necessary to help make it a better place.
Our Charter is Simple. We seek to be organized and disciplined and ready to vote together.
1) We are loosely aligned Democrats who just want to be more clear about our positions regarding eating animals and not being conscious of our actions and how that effects the world.
2) We suggest the practice of Yoga Poses for great exercise and Yoga Meditation for peace of mind and heart, and the combination of both at the same time as a great practice. We are not affiliated with any religion at all. People of all Faiths can incorporate yoga (scientific) techniques for health and peace of mind.
3) We are environmentally oriented with a deep respect for the earth. We are interested in very concrete actions to mitigate climate change and loss of rainforest and nature everywhere.
We understand that humans try to live in balance with the earth.
4) We are opposed to the idea of biofuels as a solutions to the climate and energy situation as biofuels cause more carbon than they save to make and because they drive prices of staple foods higher where it can't be afforded.
5) We choose to when we can and prefer to not eat meat or fish because we know the multitude of reasons for limiting its intake.
6) We are supporters of the Unions and the people who organize to make a better life for themselves.
7) We believe Exercising Every Day and Eating Smart Help make us smarter and healthier.
8) We Believe that Peace is the highest state for human kind. Battles may have to be fought but peace is the jewel. Unnecessary war is to be stopped and peacekeeping forces increased to bring more peace on Earth.
9) We strongly disagree with all forms of hunting except for survival and whaling as presently practiced by the Japanese Government.
10) We believe that kindness and compassion can be a guiding principle in our dealings with our fellow human beings and have a reverence for life itself.
If you are interested in joining the National Yoga Party email us at nationalyogaparty@miamiyoga.com
Fred Busch
Jeff Metcalfe