Yoga is interested at its core in the merging, the union, of the individual presence with the universal oneness. That union, or surrender to that appreciation, is enlightenment, and is the ultimate goal of Yoga. Yoga is firstly a spiritual practice, and with the Astanga Vinyassa Sequence becomes a physical practice as well.
Everything is yoga really because everything in the universe is an expression of the divine and yoga is in all it’s manifestations the union with that divine presence. Really it is closer to the realization that we are already unified with the divine as the vision becomes clearer that you can not separate the created from the creator.
And so it is hear seen that Yoga is the practice of experiencing higher consciousness and health and this is practiced on many fronts, particularly in daily life. One of my favorites sayings during my yoga classes is “The yoga doesn’t really begin until you leave,” and it is precisely at this point in daily life that the practice of Presence and Being and living with compassion and love that is unconditional begins. And this is expressed in your relationship with every being in the world. Firstly with yourself in respect to living in harmony with your biology. This treats yourself with compassion and leads to the treating with compassion of all sentient beings as the use of animals as food has become unnecessary. As you live more compassionately with all beings you begin to pervade with peace and contentment and this allows for the treating of all people you meet and have relationship with, with a sense of love and respect and appreciation for life. It is life itself that is sacred. And that is preceisely the point to directing your attention inside the body because you bring your attention right to the core of the living being itself. This is one of the most spiritually powerful possibilities and is no wonder why it is said that, “The body is the Temple.”
If you have any questions about Vegetarian Food, Vegan Food, Raw Food, Meditation, or Power Yoga, you can email me for questions at; or visit me at my Miami Beach Power Yoga Studio on South Beach. For questions and inquiries, you may visit Miami yogashala's official site, I do intensive Teacher Trainings and also run 5-Day detox programs at the following Miami Yogashala locations: Brickell Yoga, Sunny Isles Yoga, and South Beach Yoga studios.

Yoga Master Fred Busch shares his thoughts and wisdom on Health, Yoga, the Environment and Current Events. Fred is the founder of Miami Yoga and Brickell Hot Yoga in Florida, USA. FRED Busch is director of HOT POWER Yoga Teacher Training in studios in Miami, New York, Denver, London, Malta, Moscow, Lima, and Bogota. Power Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats are also offered at FRED Busch's Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado's Rocky Mountains.
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