The South Beach Detox
You can register now! Call 07958528228- limited to 15 spaces
I welcome you all with my blessings. Please read this entire sheet.
Thank you for your interest in The South Beach Detox. The intention behind this Program is to help people realize significant benefits in their lives by employing simple but effective tools. I will be explaining the relationship between intelligent eating, proper exercise, good rest, and awareness to create an environment for your body to feel true wellbeing. This is a 4 Day Detox, but i am more interested in using these 4 Days as a training ground to teach you some skills that can easily be employed in your daily life and with tremendous results.
Detox programs do not have to be difficult. That being said, they are not designed to be
done without some effort. I have designed this program to maximize the benefits, and
mitigate the challenging parts, but it is possible only to a degree. For it to be a real
detox, your body has to get the deep rest that it needs and this requires a specific
internal and external environment . This program is just such an environment!
General Guidelines:
Detox programs are designed to give the body the conditions necessary for it to expel
stored toxins from the cells and anywhere else it was storing them. This is
accomplished by a two fold approach consisting of reducing food intake and increasing
rest. This combination allows your body to use its vital energy in a direction other than
the attempt to digest food which is the bodyʼs number one energy drain. When the body
has access to this new found (not wasted) energy it uses it to clean its house... and this
is the DETOX.. You may feel much more energized than usual but donʼt
drain yourself in Yoga for these days. Take more childʼs pose, more rest throughout
the class because our primary intention is to conserve energy so the body can use it for cleansing itself.
Throughout these four days please take as many naps as possible. Please avoid any
unnecessary social engagements or demands on your time and attention. These five
days are for YOU! So enjoy the Delicious smoothies, the Yoga, the Meditations in the
program, and the time for yourself. Just go within for this time. Living free of patterns
and habits is very liberating so enjoy taking this opportunity to give your body and mind
a deep cleanse.
looks great... make one with the following text now... as per request by Beanata and JM: they want a schedule... this is it basically:
8:00-8:30am -Pick up your Daily Shakes from Olive Delicatessen. Delivery is available also for a fee.
9:00-5pm- Go about your regular day following the guidelines presented in the Welcome Letter
6:15pm-8pm- Evening Meetings at Body Gym on Dawes Rd. Each meeting will have a different lesson covered:
April 21st- Detox Theory, Intelligent Eating for Humans, Exercise and Its Role in wellbeing
April 22nd- How to Practice Yoga at Home
April 23rd- Meditation and Awareness in Daily Life
April 24th- Transition Back and Skills for Regular Life
Can I work during this Detox?
Yes. This is designed to not be overly aggressive and allow you to function in your daily life. It has been specifically created to create the Detox Environment while allowing you to work as you would in your daily life. That being said you will instructed to rest more than usual and avoid all unnecessary social engagements.
What is a Detox and Why Does it Work?
Detox of the Body is initiated through the limitation of caloric intake which allows the body to focus on cleansing rather than digesting. Digestion is one of the biggest drains of our energy in our regular life. Once energy is freed from that task the body uses it to cleanse itself. This program is structured so that your body is receiving all nutritional factors in the context of the caloric restriction. This combination of deep nutrition and body cleansing is a potent tool for transformation.
What is provided in this program?
All Food for the 4 Days- this includes several 'secret weapons' that Fred will introduce and lecture about in his first evenings talk.
Free Yoga Classes at Body Gym for the Four Days
Private 30 Minute Yoga Session
30 Minute Detox Bodywork Treatment designed by internationally acclaimed Beata Aleksandrowicz of PURE MASSAGE
8 DVDs on Power Yoga, Yoga Philosophy, Food and Healthy Living Tips
Evening Lecture Series with Fred
About Fred Busch
Fred Busch is a dedicated practitioner of Yoga, Nutritionist, and author of “A Clear and Definite Path- Enlightenment and Health with Yoga and Holistic Living.” He is the founder and Director of Miami Yogashala in South Beach and Brickell Yogashala, and is the Director of Teacher Training at Fulham Yogashala in London and Lima Yogashala in Peru. Fred is a graduate of the University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources and Environment. Fred has produced several DVDs on Intelligent Eating and lectures worldwide on Yoga and Holistic Eating.

Yoga Master Fred Busch shares his thoughts and wisdom on Health, Yoga, the Environment and Current Events. Fred is the founder of Miami Yoga and Brickell Hot Yoga in Florida, USA. FRED Busch is director of HOT POWER Yoga Teacher Training in studios in Miami, New York, Denver, London, Malta, Moscow, Lima, and Bogota. Power Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats are also offered at FRED Busch's Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado's Rocky Mountains.
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