Travel to Africa - HELP WILDLIFE CONSERVATION and AFRICA YOGA PROJECT! This is a trip that will help make the world a better place for local Kenyans and Kenyas efforts for conservation by supporting a local Wildlife Ranch run by Far-Sighted Kenyans who want to preserve and conserve the wildlife. Join us on Safari that will make a difference and see Lion, Elephant, Buffalo, Leopard, Giraffe, Hippos, Crocs, Impala, Hyena, Cheetah and so much more!!!!
The Kenya Yoga Safari will be a world class trip! I just got off the phone with my team in Nairobi and we are headed to a private game camp which is literally impossible for anyone without my connections to get to. It is in the 'BUSH' and it will be our home base! I can not express how excited i am to go there and bring my friends and students! I have two of my best friends in the world guiding us and the trip is literally gonna be UNBELIEVABLE. This area we are going usually prices at about $700 per night but with my connections we are going to a place that is run by local MAASAI and is absolutely pristine. I am giddy with excitement to bring people here!
Deposits are coming in now! Join the small group going to spend New Years in Africa for the Kenya Yoga Safari with me and my incredibly close Kenyan friends.
We will be guided and spending time with Maraka, Mboya, and Kwame, friends who have been like brothers to me for over 18 years.
We will be bringing donated yoga mats from the states to support the Africa Yoga Project, and hopefully raise some small donations to assist their world changing mission! And in addition to our two big safaris, we will tour their Nairobi yoga classes and meet local Nairobi teachers who Paige has tranformed their life from street kids who would sniff glue and be hopeless, to Yoga Masters! It is literally beyond our imagination how beneficial the work that Paige Elenson is doing in Nairobi and beyond. I hope we can all support them as much as possible and get sponsors and raise some funds so that our trip will have a real positive impact!
Register NOW! There is no better way to go to Kenya than with me and my team and we will be doing yoga and traveling with a personal chef who will be catering to our vegetarian inclinations!
Message me for questions and to Register! Fredb@miamiyoga.com or 305 606 2169
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