There is an old ancient story called “Good News, Bad News.”
So if you’re in the spiritual world, you may have heard these stories. There’s a Chinese farmer and the farmer has one horse and a strong young son. The son and the horse do all the work on the farm. The horse has the plough and the son does the thing. So all, the whole household relies on the son and the horse. Well, one day the horse jumps the fence and runs away. Now the son is without the horse, the whole village hears about this and the whole village comes over to them and offers them condolences, “Oh my god, it’s so bad, it’s such bad news, I’m so sorry for you, that you lost your horse, oh my gosh.” The farmer says, “Good news, bad news, who knows?”
The next day, the horse comes back and following the horse are five wild mustangs he pulled out of the mountains and they all jumped back in the pen. Now this guy has six horses. A horse is valuable back then. Six horses now. The village hears about it, they come running over to celebrate with him and happy, “Yes, good news, good news, celebration!” And he says, “Good news, bad news, who knows?”
These are wild horses and they have to get broken and have to tamed, right? Taming a wild horse requires breaking the will of the horse. You’re not allowed to be a horse anymore, you’re going to be mine, break the will, they don’t like it at first, and then the son hadn’t broken all five horses. Well one of them throws him really far and breaks. He says, “Good news, bad news, who knows?”
The next day, the army comes to town looking for all able body conscripts to go and fight some stupid war. Well, he isn’t an able body, so the son gets spared his entire life because he had broken his leg the day before.
So you see where we’re going with this? That which what you think might have been the problem, actually a lot of times becomes a blessing or an opportunity. And that which you thought was a blessing or an opportunity sometimes may not be. Things are not easily categorized so we don’t want to make any judgments about good or bad or right or wrong. We just want to experience, experience without judgment.
Have a wonderful, thankful week-
Fred Busch
Brickell Holiday Schedule - Thursday (Thksgv) ONLY 9am/10:30
Friday -ONLY 10:30am (with Fred)
Regular Schedule for WEEKEND

Yoga Master Fred Busch shares his thoughts and wisdom on Health, Yoga, the Environment and Current Events. Fred is the founder of Miami Yoga and Brickell Hot Yoga in Florida, USA. FRED Busch is director of HOT POWER Yoga Teacher Training in studios in Miami, New York, Denver, London, Malta, Moscow, Lima, and Bogota. Power Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats are also offered at FRED Busch's Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado's Rocky Mountains.
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