In the video below Fred Busch of the American Nutrition Institute (ANI) discusses some of the reasons to use probiotics in a regimen of intelligent living. Many people have intestinal ailments and malfunctions and could benefit from the use of probiotic friendly bacteria, microflora, along with a program of eliminating junk food and beginning to exercise.
Probiotic bacterial cultures are intended to assist the body's naturally occurring gut flora (an ecology of microbes) to re-establish themselves. They are sometimes recommended by doctors, and, more frequently, by nutritionists, following a cleanse, after a course of antibiotics, or as part of the treatment for gut related candidiasis.
Probiotics Offer the Following Health Benefits:
• Promote healthy digestion and nutrient assimilation.
• Replenish colonies of friendly bacteria that may be destroyed by antibiotics and certain health complications.
• Counter an overgrowth of "bad" organisms in the gastrointestinal tract.
• Enhance immune response (since a large percentage of cells of the immune system are located in the digestive tract).
• May support healthy cholesterol levels.
• Promote oral health.
• Help counter an unfavorable balance of yeast and fungus.
• Assist those that are lactose intolerant with lactose digestion.
• Support urinary tract and colon health.
Why is Supplementing with Probiotics Important?
A number of factors, including poor diet, medication, illness, stress and aging, can deplete levels of beneficial bacteria in the body. That's why it is important to incorporate a good, high-quality probiotic supplement into your daily diet.
What to Look for in a Probiotic Supplement:
• Find a probiotic supplement that guarantees its potency (the promised level of live bacteria) at time of use.
• Make sure that it contains a high-quality prebiotic to nourish and sustain existing friendly bacterial colonies within the intestines.
• Only use a probiotic supplement containing naturally occurring strains that are safe and effective for human use and are not genetically engineered (non-GMO).
• Choose one that features a good delivery technology that enables these strains to securely arrive at their destination – the intestinal tract.
Here's more...
Cabbage can also be used as a homemade probiotic...
Quote: "Cabbage is a vegetable that is teeming with lactobacteria. No starter is needed for making rejuvelac. Just start one morning by blending together 1 3/4 cups (420ml) distilled or purified water plus 3 cups (720ml coarsely chopped, loosely packed fresh cabbage. Start the blender at low speed and then advance the blender to high speed and blend for 30 more seconds. Pour into a jar, cover, and let stand at room temperature for 3 days. At this time, strain off the liquid rejuvelac. The initial batch of cabbage rejuvelac takes 3 days to mature, but succeeding batches take 24 hours each.
Each morning after straining off the fresh rejuvelac, blend together for 30 seconds at high speed 1 1/2 cups (360ml) distilled or purified water plus 3 cups (720ml) coarsely chopped, loosely packed fresh cabbage. Pour into a jar, add 1/4 cup (60ml) of the fresh rejuvelac just strained off, cover, shake and let stand at room temp. until the next morning.
You can also make cabbage rejuvelac without a blender by chopping the cabbage very fine and using 2 1/2 cups (600ml) finely chopped, loosely packed cabbage listed above. The amount of distilled or purified water used should remain unchanged.
Good quality rejuvelac tastes similar to a cross between carbonated water and the whey obtained when making yogurt. Bad quality rejuvelac has a much more putrid odor and taste and should not be consumed. Always avoid using tap water when making rejuvelac because chlorine has been added to it for the purpose of killing bacteria of any kind.
Drink each day's rejuvelac during the course of the day by taking 1/2 cup (120ml) 3x a day, preferably with meals."
...Robert Gray - "The Colon Health Handbook"

And this...
Quote: "To implant friendly lactobacteria in the colon and heal damaged mucus membranes of the G.I. tract, you need to drink about 1 and 1/2 cup daily of cultured cabbage juice. Here is how to make it. Fill blender with chopped green cabbage and add distilled water until about 2/3 full. (Do not use well water or tap water). Beat at high speed in the blender for one minute. Pour mixture into bowl and repeat with two more batches. Cover with Seran wrap or similar material and let stand at room temperature. After 3 days, the cabbage juice solution is ready to use. Strain the mixture to separate the liquid from the pulp. Place the cultured cabbage juice in refrigerator. Drink 1/2 cup of this solution diluted with an equal part of water 2 or 3 times each day. When your supply gets low, make second batch just like the first one, except, add 1/2 cup of the juice from the first batch to the second batch. Your second batch will be ready just 24 hours.
This process may be repeated indefinitely. Each serving contains several billion friendly lactobacteria. The lactic acid in the culture cabbage juice will purify the G.I. tract and kill most strains of fungi, parasites and other pathogens.
You should drink this mixture until your stools float in the toilet bowl and are odor free. When that happens, you may lower your dosage of cultured cabbage juice to one serving each day as maintenance dosage. You may eat one cup of raw cabbage as a substitute for 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice."
Conrad Lebeau - "Natural Remedies For Intestinal Health"
Probiotic bacterial cultures are intended to assist the body's naturally occurring gut flora (an ecology of microbes) to re-establish themselves. They are sometimes recommended by doctors, and, more frequently, by nutritionists, following a cleanse, after a course of antibiotics, or as part of the treatment for gut related candidiasis.
Probiotics Offer the Following Health Benefits:
• Promote healthy digestion and nutrient assimilation.
• Replenish colonies of friendly bacteria that may be destroyed by antibiotics and certain health complications.
• Counter an overgrowth of "bad" organisms in the gastrointestinal tract.
• Enhance immune response (since a large percentage of cells of the immune system are located in the digestive tract).
• May support healthy cholesterol levels.
• Promote oral health.
• Help counter an unfavorable balance of yeast and fungus.
• Assist those that are lactose intolerant with lactose digestion.
• Support urinary tract and colon health.
Why is Supplementing with Probiotics Important?
A number of factors, including poor diet, medication, illness, stress and aging, can deplete levels of beneficial bacteria in the body. That's why it is important to incorporate a good, high-quality probiotic supplement into your daily diet.
What to Look for in a Probiotic Supplement:
• Find a probiotic supplement that guarantees its potency (the promised level of live bacteria) at time of use.
• Make sure that it contains a high-quality prebiotic to nourish and sustain existing friendly bacterial colonies within the intestines.
• Only use a probiotic supplement containing naturally occurring strains that are safe and effective for human use and are not genetically engineered (non-GMO).
• Choose one that features a good delivery technology that enables these strains to securely arrive at their destination – the intestinal tract.
Here's more...
Cabbage can also be used as a homemade probiotic...
Quote: "Cabbage is a vegetable that is teeming with lactobacteria. No starter is needed for making rejuvelac. Just start one morning by blending together 1 3/4 cups (420ml) distilled or purified water plus 3 cups (720ml coarsely chopped, loosely packed fresh cabbage. Start the blender at low speed and then advance the blender to high speed and blend for 30 more seconds. Pour into a jar, cover, and let stand at room temperature for 3 days. At this time, strain off the liquid rejuvelac. The initial batch of cabbage rejuvelac takes 3 days to mature, but succeeding batches take 24 hours each.
Each morning after straining off the fresh rejuvelac, blend together for 30 seconds at high speed 1 1/2 cups (360ml) distilled or purified water plus 3 cups (720ml) coarsely chopped, loosely packed fresh cabbage. Pour into a jar, add 1/4 cup (60ml) of the fresh rejuvelac just strained off, cover, shake and let stand at room temp. until the next morning.
You can also make cabbage rejuvelac without a blender by chopping the cabbage very fine and using 2 1/2 cups (600ml) finely chopped, loosely packed cabbage listed above. The amount of distilled or purified water used should remain unchanged.
Good quality rejuvelac tastes similar to a cross between carbonated water and the whey obtained when making yogurt. Bad quality rejuvelac has a much more putrid odor and taste and should not be consumed. Always avoid using tap water when making rejuvelac because chlorine has been added to it for the purpose of killing bacteria of any kind.
Drink each day's rejuvelac during the course of the day by taking 1/2 cup (120ml) 3x a day, preferably with meals."
...Robert Gray - "The Colon Health Handbook"
And this...
Quote: "To implant friendly lactobacteria in the colon and heal damaged mucus membranes of the G.I. tract, you need to drink about 1 and 1/2 cup daily of cultured cabbage juice. Here is how to make it. Fill blender with chopped green cabbage and add distilled water until about 2/3 full. (Do not use well water or tap water). Beat at high speed in the blender for one minute. Pour mixture into bowl and repeat with two more batches. Cover with Seran wrap or similar material and let stand at room temperature. After 3 days, the cabbage juice solution is ready to use. Strain the mixture to separate the liquid from the pulp. Place the cultured cabbage juice in refrigerator. Drink 1/2 cup of this solution diluted with an equal part of water 2 or 3 times each day. When your supply gets low, make second batch just like the first one, except, add 1/2 cup of the juice from the first batch to the second batch. Your second batch will be ready just 24 hours.
This process may be repeated indefinitely. Each serving contains several billion friendly lactobacteria. The lactic acid in the culture cabbage juice will purify the G.I. tract and kill most strains of fungi, parasites and other pathogens.
You should drink this mixture until your stools float in the toilet bowl and are odor free. When that happens, you may lower your dosage of cultured cabbage juice to one serving each day as maintenance dosage. You may eat one cup of raw cabbage as a substitute for 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice."
Conrad Lebeau - "Natural Remedies For Intestinal Health"
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