If you’re going to teach, with a little bit of attention, you more than you, employ it to the degree you want, you had employ immediately. Being in your presence needs to be relaxing, that will have to be transmitted at all times. In every word that you say, in every sentence that you speak you have to visualize centeredness; you have to exist from there. You have to keep it that way. You have to not make it more than that it is. First things first, you do not turn into something that it’s not. That people are spiritual by their very nature, it’s a done deal. They are human beings so you’re already there. All you have to do is let them see for themselves what they already are so there’s nothing has to be created, it’s the first thing to be understand. It won’t be like, “Oh, I got to create this sentences so that I can make you understand”, no. The whole point of this is that there’s no understanding involved. I can never convince you intellectually anything spiritually because it doesn’t operate on that level. Truth is not always operating on the level of intellectualization. First things first, relax. Spiritual part it needs to be easy going. Now, how do you do it? You realize that the spiritual part is already what you’re talking about with the breath. By telling someone to breathe perfectly or to breathe with an evenness on their breath, you’re giving them the opportunity to balance their mind and to still their mind, then the spiritual part, brushes in like a wave - it just emerges. Because all you got to do is say feel the stillness in your mind and feel how good that feels. You want them to experience that stuff for themselves but don’t make it more than that it is. As far as spiritual things are concern, I’ll give you some hints. Feel gratitude, you could say that a hundred times. And I want you to mean it, mean it, MEAN IT. When you say feel gratitude, you’re feeling it and intensely. And almost so intensely that you almost can’t even talk, that kind of gratitude. Like I can’t almost-- couldn’t start crying, because I have seen the gifts that I have been given and how incredible this is and how mystical, you have to begin to connect to that gratitude for yourself. The part of teacher sharing for you, cultivate this because it’s blissful. And again that’s the spiritual part. The gratitude is the spiritual part. You don’t have to say believe in God all you have to do is say feel gratitude wherever you want, feel it to wherever you want. Just feel it because it’s transformational. But don’t take my word for it. Always add things like that “don’t take my word for it”, feel it for yourself. These are people want to hear. They want to hear that you’re giving them the opportunity to experience it not just trying to talk to them and make them believe it.
I do 5-day Detox programs, Intensive Teacher Trainings at the following Miami Yogashala locations: Brickell Yoga, Sunny isles yoga and South Beach Yoga studios. You may also send questions and inquiries at fred@miamiyoga.com or visit my site: Miami Beach Power Yoga Studio on South Beach if you have questions about Vegetarian Food, Vegan Food, Raw Food, Meditation, or Power Yoga.

Yoga Master Fred Busch shares his thoughts and wisdom on Health, Yoga, the Environment and Current Events. Fred is the founder of Miami Yoga and Brickell Hot Yoga in Florida, USA. FRED Busch is director of HOT POWER Yoga Teacher Training in studios in Miami, New York, Denver, London, Malta, Moscow, Lima, and Bogota. Power Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats are also offered at FRED Busch's Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado's Rocky Mountains. www.fredbusch.com www.miamiyoga.com www.salamadhi.com
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