Amazing and #delisciousyoga pose. #supinetwist feels amazing and is so beneficial to the internal organs. Never practice poses like this with food in your stomach . Eating some fruit couple hours before if needed is always good idea to keep body light in practice! Helps develop strength too! #spinaltwist #hathayoga #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #alignment #teachertraining #yogasafety #yogateachertraining #yogapracticenotyogaperfect @fredbuschyogabrickell @meganelizabeth_yoga @mayarabusch @fredbuschyogabrickell

Yoga Master Fred Busch shares his thoughts and wisdom on Health, Yoga, the Environment and Current Events. Fred is the founder of Miami Yoga and Brickell Hot Yoga in Florida, USA. FRED Busch is director of HOT POWER Yoga Teacher Training in studios in Miami, New York, Denver, London, Malta, Moscow, Lima, and Bogota. Power Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats are also offered at FRED Busch's Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado's Rocky Mountains.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Supine Spinal Twist in Yoga - Amazing Fred Busch Hot Yoga Pose
Amazing and #delisciousyoga pose. #supinetwist feels amazing and is so beneficial to the internal organs. Never practice poses like this with food in your stomach . Eating some fruit couple hours before if needed is always good idea to keep body light in practice! Helps develop strength too! #spinaltwist #hathayoga #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #alignment #teachertraining #yogasafety #yogateachertraining #yogapracticenotyogaperfect @fredbuschyogabrickell @meganelizabeth_yoga @mayarabusch @fredbuschyogabrickell
Weight Loss Testimonial and Before and After Pic! - "i have never put it together like this so weird looking at myself like this in stages."
"here it is! i have never put it together like this so weird looking at myself like this in 'stages'.
the 1st photo is prior to my 1st accident in 2010.
the 2nd is when i came back to Fred Busch in 2011 after recovering from my 1st surgery. unhealthy, depressed and lost.
then i quit cigarettes, stopped drinking alcohol (only special occasions), changing my eating habits (became vegetarian), drinking more water, E3live, regular exercise, becoming more humble and gaining a positive outlook (which included dropping the 'ego') and most importantly acceptance of myself, my life and the things you can and can not change... and that anything worth it comes with a little hard work, love and dedication...
i was never trying to loose weight, i just wanted to live longer, be stronger and become truly healthy. hope it helps inspire! thank you fred for creating that spark again (with a little tough love and a tear or 2 ) it has changed my life completely. forever grateful for the knowledge and support XO" Melina Lobos
Monday, October 20, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Every Friday at Fred Busch Studios we have Hippy Happy Hour Classes.
Every Friday at Fred Busch Studios we have Hippy Happy Hour Classes! That means a GREAT CLASS... and GREAT FREE DRINK!!! Come and sweat and then REHYDRATE with either our E3 Live AFA or our amazing Purium Vegan Transformation and Weight Loss Product Line! Megan Elizabeth Malela Quintana lead the way at FBHPY Brickell HOT Yoga and Kendall HOT Yoga.
Here You Can join 30 Days to Bogota.
30 Days to Bogota!!! Nov 16th begins the Fred Busch Hot Power Yoga Teacher Training at Natural Yoga in Bogota, Colombia!!! We have approx 15 registered but there is still space!!! For questions or application email me or Ana Uribe Director of Natural Yoga in Bogota! Mayara Busch and i are so excited to join the group soon!
Did you know? Did you know that while everybody has heard ?
Did you know? Did you know that while everybody has heard that 'attachment' to things is not a positive quality... few people realize that the opposite... 'aversion' is an equally not positive quality?
Attachment is a function of mis-understanding and believing that something external to you can deliver the deepest peace and fulfillment. This illusion can never result in conditions leading to the highest frequencies of wellbeing.
But perhaps MORE INTERESTING is that Yoga Masters guide us to keep aware that attachment's opposite...'aversion' (hatred towards or negativity towards something) is an equally big obstacle on the path towards more deep peace and fearlessness.
Hatred or judgement or disgust towards something or someone creates a very negative energy field within our own being. It is us that pays the price for these lower states of consciousness... and anyone who has heard of psychoimmunology appreciates that our immune systems are related to our attitude and sense of humor!
Have a great day and as Patanjali says 'be indifferent to that which would have created disgust' and watch how your world is flooded with more energy and vitality and love.
Attachment is a function of mis-understanding and believing that something external to you can deliver the deepest peace and fulfillment. This illusion can never result in conditions leading to the highest frequencies of wellbeing.
But perhaps MORE INTERESTING is that Yoga Masters guide us to keep aware that attachment's opposite...'aversion' (hatred towards or negativity towards something) is an equally big obstacle on the path towards more deep peace and fearlessness.
Hatred or judgement or disgust towards something or someone creates a very negative energy field within our own being. It is us that pays the price for these lower states of consciousness... and anyone who has heard of psychoimmunology appreciates that our immune systems are related to our attitude and sense of humor!
Have a great day and as Patanjali says 'be indifferent to that which would have created disgust' and watch how your world is flooded with more energy and vitality and love.
Did you know? Did you know that the more you recognize the unifying life/energy principle .
Did you know? Did you know that the more you recognize the unifying life/energy principle in all things the more enlightened is your vision?
Indeed either we see the oneness within the differentiated expressions of the universe...and life will make sense and peace will prevail...
Or we will be seeing only the differences in all things around you... And we will experience division and suffering.
Have an amazing day!
Indeed either we see the oneness within the differentiated expressions of the universe...and life will make sense and peace will prevail...
Or we will be seeing only the differences in all things around you... And we will experience division and suffering.
Have an amazing day!
NOW LEARN HOW! October 24th-26th is a WEEKEND RETRAT TRAINING in Miami.
So many people are learning now the reasons to eat more Plant Based!
NOW LEARN HOW! October 24th-26th is a WEEKEND RETRAT TRAINING in Miami, Florida! Join myself and Liz Grant and Erika Cruz for this amazing TREAT for YOURSELF! Our HEALTH DESTINY is in our own hands to some join us to learn the chef skills and the real science of Vegetarian Food! — with Liz Grant.
Did you know? Did you know that most of the Yogas we practice in the west are forms of Hatha Yoga,?
Did you know? Did you know that most of the Yogas we practice in the west are forms of Hatha Yoga, which is a practice of Tantra.
Tantric Masters differentiated themselves from more traditional Yogis by embracing the physical body as important to develop so that higher states of meditation can be reached.
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is the original source text for Tantric Hatha Yoga Practices and almost all asana, pranayama and mudra practices have their roots there!
The use of the word Tantra in a sexual thematic is a huge misunderstanding of the intention and Masters in Yoga and Tantra always describe that direction as one of the the greatest pitfalls and distractions on the path.
Tantric Masters differentiated themselves from more traditional Yogis by embracing the physical body as important to develop so that higher states of meditation can be reached.
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is the original source text for Tantric Hatha Yoga Practices and almost all asana, pranayama and mudra practices have their roots there!
The use of the word Tantra in a sexual thematic is a huge misunderstanding of the intention and Masters in Yoga and Tantra always describe that direction as one of the the greatest pitfalls and distractions on the path.
Here you can see Winter Break Teacher Training in Miami!.
Winter Break Teacher Training in Miami!
Are you in College or have some Vacation Time and want to use it wisely?
December 19th, 2014- January 8th, 2015 -
Fred Busch Hot Power Yoga Teacher Training with myself and Mayara Busch!
Bring a friend and you both get $250 tuition discount!
For questions or application email
have a great day!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Did you know? Did you know this may be offensive but i don't have a big issue with offending people who are hurting us and our family?
Did you know? Did you know (this may be offensive but i don't have a big issue with offending people's egos who are hurting us and our family with mis-information) that anybody ('Nutritionist' or medical doctor alike) who says you need to eat meat to 'get your protein' has no idea what they are talking about?
Protein construction is a function of amino acid availability. When we receive the complete spectrum of amino acids we build human protein within our own human body. All amino acids are found and sourced by all animals originally from the plant kingdom. Where did the cow or elephant or mountain gorilla get its protein? ....from the amino acids from the plant foods that form their natural dietary.
So when we are advised by a classically trained 'Nutritionist' to eat animal products for protein... we are literally being misguided and the consequences of this mis-information is rather grave. Too much cancer out there right now...and too much advice to eat animal foods for protein or calcium or anything!
We are not omnivorous animals by nature... in nature the omnivores are represented well by Pigs and Rats...animals that will literally eat anything including their own species.
Protein construction is a function of amino acid availability. When we receive the complete spectrum of amino acids we build human protein within our own human body. All amino acids are found and sourced by all animals originally from the plant kingdom. Where did the cow or elephant or mountain gorilla get its protein? ....from the amino acids from the plant foods that form their natural dietary.
So when we are advised by a classically trained 'Nutritionist' to eat animal products for protein... we are literally being misguided and the consequences of this mis-information is rather grave. Too much cancer out there right now...and too much advice to eat animal foods for protein or calcium or anything!
We are not omnivorous animals by nature... in nature the omnivores are represented well by Pigs and Rats...animals that will literally eat anything including their own species.
This is why I went to train with Fred Busch.His yoga teacher training was really LIFE TRAINING.
"This is why I went to train with Fred Busch!!! His yoga teacher training was really LIFE TRAINING. There was so much that I took from it, so much that it has done for my life already… I am forever grateful. Not to mention that the beautiful people I made friends with in the training also added to my life change. There are no coincidences. I went out there during a hard time in my life and I came back renewed. The week I got back I started working as a yoga instructor, and I'm working to be a person that can provide this kind of service to others.
Thanks Fred and Mayara Busch for everything you do! I love you!"
Thanks Fred and Mayara Busch for everything you do! I love you!"
Monday, October 13, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Do you LOVE YOGA and are in College or University?You Can FIND TIME to do a Yoga Teacher Training?
Do you LOVE YOGA and are in College or University now so have not been able to FIND TIME to do a Yoga Teacher Training?
Announcing our WINTER BREAK TEACHER TRAINING in MIAMI! December 19th 2014 - January 8th 2015! Come to Sunny Miami in December where you can lodge with us in the LOTUS DORM if you from out of town!
FIRST 4 STUDENTS WHO REGISTER RECEIVE 50% OFF COST OF LODGING! Bring a friend and each receives a $350 Scholarship off the Tuition!
For Questions or an application message me here or
Announcing our WINTER BREAK TEACHER TRAINING in MIAMI! December 19th 2014 - January 8th 2015! Come to Sunny Miami in December where you can lodge with us in the LOTUS DORM if you from out of town!
FIRST 4 STUDENTS WHO REGISTER RECEIVE 50% OFF COST OF LODGING! Bring a friend and each receives a $350 Scholarship off the Tuition!
For Questions or an application message me here or
Friday, October 10, 2014
Did you know? The Ages of 35-45 represent a critical time to make sure you begin to exercise (swim or do yoga) everyday?
Did you know? Did you know that the ages of 35-45 represent a critical time to make sure you begin to exercise (swim or do yoga) everyday?
Assuming you have not already discovered the value of a daily vigorous yoga practice or other exercise for at least 30 minutes daily... the age zone of 35-45 is a most important time to discover this value!!!
What we do for the next 5 years starting at age 42...will determine whether we look like we are 35 or 55 when we turn 47
This is really the time when the aging process can get ahold of us and our youthful grace and luck begins to withdraw quickly. We all really need to consider that what we are doing today will determine a great deal about how old we appear to be tomorrow
And there is nothing wrong at all with aging ... it is simply not required that we all degenerate for the last 1/3 of our lives and we don't get to experience the vigor of our natural birthright for more of our lifespan.
have a great day a little down dog every day and eat more carrots and bananas and less candy bars .
Assuming you have not already discovered the value of a daily vigorous yoga practice or other exercise for at least 30 minutes daily... the age zone of 35-45 is a most important time to discover this value!!!
What we do for the next 5 years starting at age 42...will determine whether we look like we are 35 or 55 when we turn 47
This is really the time when the aging process can get ahold of us and our youthful grace and luck begins to withdraw quickly. We all really need to consider that what we are doing today will determine a great deal about how old we appear to be tomorrow
And there is nothing wrong at all with aging ... it is simply not required that we all degenerate for the last 1/3 of our lives and we don't get to experience the vigor of our natural birthright for more of our lifespan.
have a great day a little down dog every day and eat more carrots and bananas and less candy bars .
There are many amazing things about River Horan
There are many amazing things about River Horan!!! One of them is his FULL MOON RUN AND YOGA he organizes for FREE every full moon! See below for the event I shared if u interested!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Did you know? Did you know that Sri K. Pattabhi Jois' famous instruction.
Did you know? Did you know that Sri K. Pattabhi Jois' famous instruction that "Practice and all is coming" is not always true with relation to Asana practice?
It is true in many cases indeed... and we have all experienced the evolution and growth in our physical bodies that come from DAILY PRACTICE. However there are many situations related to bone shape, bone length, and joint structure that will always prevent certain students from attaining certain Asanas. Any teacher who automatically suggests that more practice is definitely going to bring results in certain poses that are limited by joint and bone structure... is misguided.
Where the wisdom of "Practice and all is coming" is absolutely true is within the psychic and spiritual realms!
It can be said almost absolutely that our steady Sadhana (daily spiritual practice of Asana and Pranayama and Meditation)... with no days off... will bring huge results. These results tend to be in the direction of our evolution towards a more balanced mind and more peace in our heart and more clarity about the divine nature of THAT which is us.
And if as a result of your hard work and steady practice you are also one day able to get your leg behind your head for a few years of your life...then enjoy it!!! Doing intermediate poses and growing in strength and suppleness is a great goal...just not the end in and of itself. Verily, poses we attain will someday be taken away from us before we depart from this earth. But the fearlessness that comes from self-realization attained in meditation can never be taken.
It is true in many cases indeed... and we have all experienced the evolution and growth in our physical bodies that come from DAILY PRACTICE. However there are many situations related to bone shape, bone length, and joint structure that will always prevent certain students from attaining certain Asanas. Any teacher who automatically suggests that more practice is definitely going to bring results in certain poses that are limited by joint and bone structure... is misguided.
Where the wisdom of "Practice and all is coming" is absolutely true is within the psychic and spiritual realms!
It can be said almost absolutely that our steady Sadhana (daily spiritual practice of Asana and Pranayama and Meditation)... with no days off... will bring huge results. These results tend to be in the direction of our evolution towards a more balanced mind and more peace in our heart and more clarity about the divine nature of THAT which is us.
And if as a result of your hard work and steady practice you are also one day able to get your leg behind your head for a few years of your life...then enjoy it!!! Doing intermediate poses and growing in strength and suppleness is a great goal...just not the end in and of itself. Verily, poses we attain will someday be taken away from us before we depart from this earth. But the fearlessness that comes from self-realization attained in meditation can never be taken.
You Can WIN a Full Scholarship for our next Teacher Training,January 2015.
WIN a Full Scholarship for our next Teacher Training, January 2015.
We are less than a month away from our 30 Day Instagram Challenge.
//:STARTS NOV 1st:// #FredBuschYogaChallenge
HOW TO ENTER: (You will need an Instagram account to participate)
1. Log into Instagram
2. Follow @fredbuschyogabrickell @fredbuschyogakendall
3. Repost this picture, tag our 3 accounts ↑ & include
4. Day 1 must include:
- What brought you to yoga?
- Why are you interested in Teacher Training?
5. Must post all 30 days
Check either or all of our pages, daily, for variations demonstrated by our family
of teachers.
1. Full 200 HR Teacher Training Scholarship with Fred Busch HOT Power
YogaTM & Accommodations at our exclusive | L O T U S | dorm.
2. $1,000.00 towards Teacher Training tuition
3. Special gift from one of our surprise sponsors!
WIN a Full Scholarship for our next Teacher Training, January 2015.
We are less than a month away from our 30 Day Instagram Challenge.
//:STARTS NOV 1st:// #FredBuschYogaChallenge
HOW TO ENTER: (You will need an Instagram account to participate)
1. Log into Instagram
2. Follow @fredbuschyogabrickell @fredbuschyogakendall
3. Repost this picture, tag our 3 accounts ↑ & include
4. Day 1 must include:
- What brought you to yoga?
- Why are you interested in Teacher Training?
5. Must post all 30 days
Check either or all of our pages, daily, for variations demonstrated by our family
of teachers.
1. Full 200 HR Teacher Training Scholarship with Fred Busch HOT Power
YogaTM & Accommodations at our exclusive | L O T U S | dorm.
2. $1,000.00 towards Teacher Training tuition
3. Special gift from one of our surprise sponsors!
Monday, October 6, 2014
So much of what i have learned in my life has been learned traveling?
So much of what i have learned in my life has been learned traveling! Turns out... i just counted lol... that i have been to 39 countries!!! Can anyone surpass that? How many countries have you visited so far? What is your favorite? I love Kenya!!! Now that the dollar is getting stronger if you are lucky enough to earn dollars i can not suggest highly enough some international travel to broaden horizons Most people on earth don't have clean water in their taps or even toilets.
This is my present list:
South Africa
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Russia (Soviet Union)
Hong Kong/ China
Every State in the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii)
except North and South Dakota
Costa Rica
This is my present list:
South Africa
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Russia (Soviet Union)
Hong Kong/ China
Every State in the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii)
except North and South Dakota
Costa Rica
I am interested in attending Fred Busch's training.
Subject: When are his trainings?
Message Body:
I am interested in attending Fred Busch's training in order to be certified. His curriculum has everything that I am looking for.
I want to know the dates, places and prices to his training.
Thank you"
Subject: When are his trainings?
Message Body:
I am interested in attending Fred Busch's training in order to be certified. His curriculum has everything that I am looking for.
I want to know the dates, places and prices to his training.
Thank you"
Did you know that there is a Difference Between Deodorant and Anti-Perspirant ?
Did you know? (follow up to my last post) Did you know that there is a difference between Deodorant and Anti-Perspirant
Deodorant is about the smell. Anti-Pespirant is about sweating and stopping you from sweating.
Anti-Perspirant always have aluminum since that is the mechanism to force the pores to close (poisoning causes the pores to close to protect the vital domain)... so deodorant if from a good brand like 'Toms of Maine' or one which you make yourself is fine! Just be sure it is only deodorant...not deodorant with anti-perspirant.
Deodorant is about the smell. Anti-Pespirant is about sweating and stopping you from sweating.
Anti-Perspirant always have aluminum since that is the mechanism to force the pores to close (poisoning causes the pores to close to protect the vital domain)... so deodorant if from a good brand like 'Toms of Maine' or one which you make yourself is fine! Just be sure it is only deodorant...not deodorant with anti-perspirant.
Did you know that our entire strategy against breast cancer is wrong and is not assisting us in any authentic way?
Did you know? (i am aware i'm treading on delicate ground here but that is the nature of this series and i just can't hold myself back when something is this clear and people we care about are dying too young) Did you know that our entire strategy against breast cancer is wrong and is not assisting us in any authentic way?
I caveat from the beginning to declare that if you are a women who suspects a lump in your breast absolutely go for a mammagram and get it checked out.
The national strategy of simply self-checking for breast cancer as the number one methodology in the fight to eradicate it while actively doing things that cause breast not a scientifically valid one. This is especially true when nobody is clarifying the potential causes well enough. How can the best advice really be to just sit back and wait?
We need to be more aware that breast cancer often has roots in certain lifestyle things that can be easily taken into account... like NO MORE ANTIPERSPIRANT (contains the heavy metal called Aluminum and is applied in close proximity to the mammary glands) ... and less Alcohol which suppresses the immune system and less animals foods which stimulate tumor growths.
Our breast cancer awareness campaigns would be well served to focus huge resources on making sure the millions and millions of younger women are not doing practices that have a high probability of leading to undesirable outcomes.
There is a place for all tactics in something as important as the eradication of breast cancer... i am simply praying that all people involved in the campaign are clear that the goal is to eradicate breast cancer...and not to manage it.
I caveat from the beginning to declare that if you are a women who suspects a lump in your breast absolutely go for a mammagram and get it checked out.
The national strategy of simply self-checking for breast cancer as the number one methodology in the fight to eradicate it while actively doing things that cause breast not a scientifically valid one. This is especially true when nobody is clarifying the potential causes well enough. How can the best advice really be to just sit back and wait?
We need to be more aware that breast cancer often has roots in certain lifestyle things that can be easily taken into account... like NO MORE ANTIPERSPIRANT (contains the heavy metal called Aluminum and is applied in close proximity to the mammary glands) ... and less Alcohol which suppresses the immune system and less animals foods which stimulate tumor growths.
Our breast cancer awareness campaigns would be well served to focus huge resources on making sure the millions and millions of younger women are not doing practices that have a high probability of leading to undesirable outcomes.
There is a place for all tactics in something as important as the eradication of breast cancer... i am simply praying that all people involved in the campaign are clear that the goal is to eradicate breast cancer...and not to manage it.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Here You Can See Vegetarian 101 Weekend Mini-Course begins October 24th.
Vegetarian 101 Weekend Mini-Course begins October 24th with Liz Grant and Erika Cruz!
Our next YogaNutritionist™ Certification in Miami begins January 10th, 2015!
Where do we get our protein?
Where do we get our protein??? Lol!!! This is what vegan guys look like!
Muscles and strength comes from powerful workouts combined with eating good materials for body building.
Rotting meat is not a good vector to receive amino acids. All amino acids are found in the plant kingdom
Hanging out with good friends is one of life's highest privileges. Jeancarlo Avila Siciliano River Horan and Alex Issaev are the best and I am honored to call them my friends.
Vegan Burgers with Carrots and Hummus!!! #blessed
Friday, October 3, 2014
Today was YogaNutritionist Final Practical Exams.
Would you like to win a Fred Busch Yoga Teacher Training scholarship?
for January's Teacher Training in Miami!
Rules are below:
Would you like to win a Fred Busch Yoga Teacher Training scholarship? Join #fredbuschyogachallenge Tag and follow @fredbuschyogabrickell @fredbuschyogakendall and @fredbuschyogamiramar for detailed instructions. #fredbuschyoga #fredbuschyogateachertraining #fredbuschteachertraining #teachertraining #hotyogateachertraining #yogateachertraining #yoga #yogainstructor #hotyoga #poweryoga #fredbuschhotpoweryoga #yogaeveryday #win #mayarabuschyoga
You Can See Here Christina's Breast Cancer Awareness Challenge.
Christina's Breast Cancer Awareness Challenge!!
In honor of October Breast Cancer Awareness--I challenge YOU to come to as many of my classes as you can. For the entire month of October every student that attends ANY of my classes at Brickell Hot Yoga (this includes classes I sub for other teachers and any of my classes that may be subbed) I will donate $1 to Breast Cancer Research. I also encourage you to wear pink to class and donate!
About 1 in 8 women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. This means you may be affected directly (friends or family) or know someone who is. My Aunt and a very dear friend of mine are breast cancer survivors--this is for them and all the courageous women--and men--affected by this terrible disease.
Mon & Wed: 9am & 12pm
FRI: 9am
SAT: 4:30pm
In honor of October Breast Cancer Awareness--I challenge YOU to come to as many of my classes as you can. For the entire month of October every student that attends ANY of my classes at Brickell Hot Yoga (this includes classes I sub for other teachers and any of my classes that may be subbed) I will donate $1 to Breast Cancer Research. I also encourage you to wear pink to class and donate!
About 1 in 8 women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. This means you may be affected directly (friends or family) or know someone who is. My Aunt and a very dear friend of mine are breast cancer survivors--this is for them and all the courageous women--and men--affected by this terrible disease.
Mon & Wed: 9am & 12pm
FRI: 9am
SAT: 4:30pm
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
YogaNutrition™ University Courses - Vegetarian - Raw Food - Weight Loss - Anti Aging
YogaNutrition™ University and Food 101 Program Series
Vegetarian 101, Raw Food 101, Weight Loss 101, Anti-Aging Secrets 101 and more! Offered in Miami, Florida and Salamadhi Ranch in Rocky Mountains of Colorado
YogaNutritionist™ University’s mission is to offer programs designed to help people learn how to prepare smart and delicious foods in line with intention to eat a bit more of a plant based diet. Join us for a weekend in Miami or Colorado, and see how a small investment in time can have a lasting positive impact on your life!
Workshop Descriptions and Calendar
Vegetarian 101 -Learning to cook Vegetarian and the reasons to be eating more in that direction may be some of the most valuable information you ever learn. Vegetarian 101 is designed to be the perfect basic course delivering confidence and new skills to support your transition towards more plant foods.
Raw Food 101 - Learning to prepare Raw Plant Foods and the reasons to be eating more in Living Foods is some of the most sought after information today! Raw Food 101 is designed to be the perfect basic course delivering confidence and new skills to support your transition towards more Raw Plant Foods.
Weight Loss 101 - Weight Loss 101 is an compulsory course offered alongside our Vegetarian 101, Raw Food 101 and Anti-Aging Secrets 101. Weight Loss is a positive by-product of living intelligently and eating a bit more plant based foods! Learn the secrets of weight loss and how to lose weight while getting healthier and stronger every day!
Anti-Aging Secrets - Why does the skin wrinkle? Why do we feel older than we actually are? Interested in maintaining or re-acquiring a Youthfulness and Vigor? There are a few simple but powerful secrets to maintaing and attaining more strength and energy and younger look in your eyes! Join us for the secrets revealed!
Check In -Check Out Details
Mini-Course takes place from Friday evening to Sunday evening with residential and non-residential options! Programs include ALL MEALS for the entire weekend and FREE YOGA at Fred Busch Hot Power Yoga - Brickell HOT Yoga!
Tuition Rates
Full Weekend Program only $345! From out of town? or want a little escape from your Miami abode?...join us at the LOTUS DORM and tuition INCLUDING LODGING is only $495
For an application or questions contact!!! Only 8 residential spaces available so register now!
Calendar of Programs 2014-2015
October 24th- 26th, 2014 - Vegetarian 101 and Weight Loss 101 in Miami, Florida
Join us for an amazing YogaNutrition™ Uniiversity weekend here in sunny Miami and let us show you how easy and delicious it can be to feed yourself and your family intelligently!!! 'Vegetarian 101' being led by certified YogaNutritionists™ and expert chefs Liz Grant and Erika Cruz! Learn the reasons behind and the cooking skills to be able to implement a bit more Vegetarian food into your and your family's diet!
November 28th- 30th, 2014 - Vegetarian 101 and Weight Loss 101 in Miami, Florida
Join us for an amazing YogaNutrition™ Uniiversity weekend here in sunny Miami and let us show you how easy and delicious it can be to feed yourself and your family intelligently!!! 'Vegetarian 101' being led by certified YogaNutritionists™ and expert chefs Liz Grant and Erika Cruz! Learn the reasons behind and the cooking skills to be able to implement a bit more Vegetarian food into your and your family's diet!
December 5th- 7th, 2014 - Raw Food 101 and Weight Loss 101 in Miami, Florida
Join us for an amazing YogaNutrition™ Uniiversity weekend here in sunny Miami and let us show you how easy and delicious it can be to feed yourself and your family intelligently!!! ‘Raw Food 101' is led by certified YogaNutritionists™ and expert chefs Liz Grant and Erika Cruz! Learn the scientific reasons to eat more plant foods and the preparation skills to be able to implement a bit more Raw Living Vegetarian foods into your and your family's diet!
Vegetarian 101, Raw Food 101, Weight Loss 101, Anti-Aging Secrets 101 and more! Offered in Miami, Florida and Salamadhi Ranch in Rocky Mountains of Colorado
YogaNutritionist™ University’s mission is to offer programs designed to help people learn how to prepare smart and delicious foods in line with intention to eat a bit more of a plant based diet. Join us for a weekend in Miami or Colorado, and see how a small investment in time can have a lasting positive impact on your life!
Workshop Descriptions and Calendar
Vegetarian 101 -Learning to cook Vegetarian and the reasons to be eating more in that direction may be some of the most valuable information you ever learn. Vegetarian 101 is designed to be the perfect basic course delivering confidence and new skills to support your transition towards more plant foods.
Raw Food 101 - Learning to prepare Raw Plant Foods and the reasons to be eating more in Living Foods is some of the most sought after information today! Raw Food 101 is designed to be the perfect basic course delivering confidence and new skills to support your transition towards more Raw Plant Foods.
Weight Loss 101 - Weight Loss 101 is an compulsory course offered alongside our Vegetarian 101, Raw Food 101 and Anti-Aging Secrets 101. Weight Loss is a positive by-product of living intelligently and eating a bit more plant based foods! Learn the secrets of weight loss and how to lose weight while getting healthier and stronger every day!
Anti-Aging Secrets - Why does the skin wrinkle? Why do we feel older than we actually are? Interested in maintaining or re-acquiring a Youthfulness and Vigor? There are a few simple but powerful secrets to maintaing and attaining more strength and energy and younger look in your eyes! Join us for the secrets revealed!
Check In -Check Out Details
Mini-Course takes place from Friday evening to Sunday evening with residential and non-residential options! Programs include ALL MEALS for the entire weekend and FREE YOGA at Fred Busch Hot Power Yoga - Brickell HOT Yoga!
Tuition Rates
Full Weekend Program only $345! From out of town? or want a little escape from your Miami abode?...join us at the LOTUS DORM and tuition INCLUDING LODGING is only $495
For an application or questions contact!!! Only 8 residential spaces available so register now!
Calendar of Programs 2014-2015
October 24th- 26th, 2014 - Vegetarian 101 and Weight Loss 101 in Miami, Florida
Join us for an amazing YogaNutrition™ Uniiversity weekend here in sunny Miami and let us show you how easy and delicious it can be to feed yourself and your family intelligently!!! 'Vegetarian 101' being led by certified YogaNutritionists™ and expert chefs Liz Grant and Erika Cruz! Learn the reasons behind and the cooking skills to be able to implement a bit more Vegetarian food into your and your family's diet!
November 28th- 30th, 2014 - Vegetarian 101 and Weight Loss 101 in Miami, Florida
Join us for an amazing YogaNutrition™ Uniiversity weekend here in sunny Miami and let us show you how easy and delicious it can be to feed yourself and your family intelligently!!! 'Vegetarian 101' being led by certified YogaNutritionists™ and expert chefs Liz Grant and Erika Cruz! Learn the reasons behind and the cooking skills to be able to implement a bit more Vegetarian food into your and your family's diet!
December 5th- 7th, 2014 - Raw Food 101 and Weight Loss 101 in Miami, Florida
Join us for an amazing YogaNutrition™ Uniiversity weekend here in sunny Miami and let us show you how easy and delicious it can be to feed yourself and your family intelligently!!! ‘Raw Food 101' is led by certified YogaNutritionists™ and expert chefs Liz Grant and Erika Cruz! Learn the scientific reasons to eat more plant foods and the preparation skills to be able to implement a bit more Raw Living Vegetarian foods into your and your family's diet!
Here You Can See Restorative Retreat in Colorado in October! You Can Register sooner
The absolutely AMAZING Danielle Hebert will be gracing Salamadhi Ranch for her R and R - Restorative Retreat in Colorado in October!
Register sooner than later if you know Dani... you know this will SELL OUT VERY FAST! — with Danielle Hebert.
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