This Friday's Village Vipassana at Fred Busch's Miami Yoga in Brickell - Our FREE MEDITATION evening is being led by Danielle Hebert and takes place directly after Malela Quintana's Hippy Happy Hour Class! Also V.V. is happening in Kendall with Zack Henry after the Kendall Hippy Happy Hour!

Yoga Master Fred Busch shares his thoughts and wisdom on Health, Yoga, the Environment and Current Events. Fred is the founder of Miami Yoga and Brickell Hot Yoga in Florida, USA. FRED Busch is director of HOT POWER Yoga Teacher Training in studios in Miami, New York, Denver, London, Malta, Moscow, Lima, and Bogota. Power Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats are also offered at FRED Busch's Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado's Rocky Mountains.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Amazing class today with Tito Jeancarlo Avila Siciliano at Fred Busch's Miami Yoga.
Amazing class today with Tito Jeancarlo Avila Siciliano at Fred Busch's Miami Yoga! People are already asking for his schedule and all we can say is... to be announced soon! Glad you appreciate Tito's amazing presence and energy and what an absolute blessing that he is often joined by his divine partner Michelle Paloma Devi! Stay TUNED!!!
You can Join yoga.with.river now teaches Tuesday and Thursday at 1030 am.
@yoga.with.river now teaches Tuesday and Thursday at 1030am at @miamiyogabrickell along with his Monday and Wednesday 630pm slots. #miamiyoga #yogamiami #brickellyoga #fredbuschyoga #kendallyoga #gratitude #pembrokepinesyoga #miramaryoga #davieyoga #yogadavie #poweryoga #hotyoga #vinyasayoga #bogotayoga #strong #core #life #vegetarian #vegan #weightloss
Thursday, February 26, 2015
River Horan is leading an APRIL 20th Retreat at Salamadhi Ranch!
River Horan is leading an APRIL 20th Retreat at Salamadhi Ranch! Join River and Alba Sunshine in Colorado as they lead 10 LUCKY STUDENTS on an amazing weekend of Yoga, Meditation, Hiking, Fresh Mountain Air, Great Food and the best company!!! April 17th-April 20th - $999 all included! Register Today this is a special event and demand may be quite HIGH!!!
Here You Can See Weight Loss Nutrition Strategy.
When it comes to an intention of wanting to feel better in your life and also to lose weight, there is only one approach to be recommended. You be the scientist and see how this stuff works for yourself. Information that we present related to eating less animal foods and less fried foods and more raw plant based foods, will have an effect on you.
For more : Read Here
For more : Read Here
Yoga Teacher Trainings in Spanish.
There are not very many hot yoga or power yoga teacher training programs that are conducted in Spanish. Fred Busch is a bilingual American Yoga Master who has been visiting South America and leading Teacher Training programs there for almost a decade. Fred Busch has a long standing partnership with Lima Yoga in Peru and Natural Yoga Bogota in Colombia.
If u are interested in studying Yoga with Spanish materials with a Teacher who encourages teaching in both English and Spanish Fred Busch Trainings may be perfect!
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
There are so many ways that the wisdom of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras can be applied into daily life.
There are so many ways that the wisdom of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras can be applied into daily life to bring about huge benefits! Patanjali was the Master who really understood the mind and gave so many deep insights into how to train and then transcend the mind to experience Enlightenment. This is the first of a series of posts dedicated to the wisdom of the great Master Patanjali and all the Masters that have given the great commentaries.
Fore more details Read Here
Fore more details Read Here
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Hot Yoga vs Bikram Yoga
Not all Hot Yoga is equal! Just because it is a Hot Yoga does not mean anything at all. Bikram Yoga™ is also called Hot Yoga and Hot Power Vinyasa Yoga is called Hot Yoga. These two styles are quite different and yet sometimes they share the same name. The best way to know the difference is to try both classes. From our prospective Fred Busch Hot Power Vinyasa Yoga has a few elements that are not found in Bikram’s Yoga like Spirituality and Alignment. Also Bikram Yoga classes attain a considerably higher temperature than what we offer at our Miami Yoga classes. Both are effective in assisting weight loss due to their demanding nature and feeling of wanting to take care of yourself that happens after most kinds of Yoga!
Fore more details: Read More
Fore more details: Read More
Sanskrit Language Facts
The Sanskrit Alphabet is known as the Devanagari and Sanskrit is known as Language of the Gods. The Sound frequencies that are pronounced when chanting Sanskrit texts or Mantras have specific effects on the body and the mind. Because sound has the power to transform consciousness, Sanskrit has unique ability to transform our mind and bring it towards stillness and deep peace.
Fore more details : Read Here .
Fore more details : Read Here .
Friday, February 20, 2015
Here you can see Birthday Dinner at Sublime.
Fred Bisch
Children being fed poorly is an epidemic in America.
i find the subject of Childhood obesity really important because it is definitely preventable. Childhood obesity and the eating habits responsible for it are really creating a generation of kids that are not gonna have a longer lifespan than their parents...the first time for that...and that is not a good first to be having.
Click here :- Read more
Mayara Busch is teaching at 8pm TONIGHT at Fred Busch's Miami Yoga Brickell.
Mayara Busch is teaching at 8pm TONIGHT at Fred Busch's Miami Yoga Brickell
TUES/THURS 8pm MON/WED 4:30pm and SUNDAYS 10:30am
Tmrw is Mayara's Birthday so come this week and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
TUES/THURS 8pm MON/WED 4:30pm and SUNDAYS 10:30am
Tmrw is Mayara's Birthday so come this week and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Inaugural Year Fred Busch Teacher Training in London!
Inaugural Year Fred Busch Teacher Training in London! Is almost 8 years now and i still remember all the time spent together and fun we had in that room! I love you all Amelie Uteza Marie Marie-Laure Desire Wayne Leal Vicky Fox Golnaz Maleki and everyone from my first London Training! The Power Yoga Company in London is the BEST!
I love it when Medical Doctors go against the grain and are strong enough to speak out against the forces of darkness.
I love it when Medical Doctors go against the grain and are strong enough to speak out against the forces of 'darkness' that keep us and our children from experiencing our natural wellbeing. Milk after the weaning process is the most unnatural violation of nature possible for a mammal on the planet earth... so unnatural that it has never been observed in
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Read more
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
All I see are HUGE hearts. This is the post Hip Opening Workshop Pic.
All I see are HUGE hearts!!! This is the post Hip Opening Workshop Pic! #gabysarmy #miamiyoga #brickellyoga @miamiyogabrickell @meganelizabeth_yoga @lulumale #kendallyoga #poweryoga #yogamiami #yogadavie #davieyoga #miramaryoga #fredbuschyoga #vinyasayoga #hipopening
You can visit for more : Read More
You can visit for more : Read More
Fred Busch's Miami Yoga in Brickell is very lucky to announce that Erika is joining as our newest teacher .
Starting TOMORROW - Sundays 9am are now taught by Erika Zafra! Fred Busch's Miami Yoga in Brickell is very lucky to announce that Erika is joining as our newest teacher and will now be teaching before Mayara Busch's incredible 10:30am class! Erika's amazing energy will definitely make you want to keep coming back for more! —
My kind of Valentine note.
My kind of Valentine note!
Hi Fred
Just wanted to share something with you. My dad is 62 years old and has been practicing yoga over the last 7 years.
I think he is in great shape because of his yoga practice. But over the last seven years he has always been judging and judging himself about what he cannot do what makes him frustrated about is practice.
One of these things is his balance in postures. The day I left Miami, he asked me if I had learned something about keeping your balance. As an answer I mentioned to him that
you taught us to always be thankful for what we CAN do and how it has made such a difference in my own yoga practice.
When I got back home today I was talking to my parents on skype and my mom said: 'I have a different husband.'
He told me how this morning in his yoga class he was focusing on giving thanks to all the things he can do. He said he couldn't believe he had passed 7 years judging himself about what he cannot do.
I thought it was such a beautiful thing to share with you, because I was not even aware of the difference it could make for him. And now you see, I'm not even teaching yet, but my teaching through your teaching has already made a difference across the Atlantic!
So thank you for teaching me to always give thanks for what we can do.
See you tomorrow!
#miamiyoga #yogateachertraining #fredbuschyoga #yogamiami #teachertraining #limayoga #bogotayoga #guayaquilyoga #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #coreyoga #corepoweryoga #coloradoyoga #hotyoga #davieyoga #yogadavie #miramaryoga #pembrokepinesyoga #aventurayoga #yogatherapy #yogaalliance #vinyasayoga #instayoga #yogagram #yogis #guru #meditation #pranayama #gratitude #blessings #vegan #vegetarian #healing #life #love #sunlight #miami
Friday, February 13, 2015
SO HONORED to announce the Mixed Martial Yoga .
SO HONORED to announce the Mixed Martial Yoga - MMY Teacher Training in MIAMI will be conducted by Masters Jimmy Pool and Alexander Landazuri starting August 24th to August 30th!
If you want to learn the MOST POWERFUL system that teaches true Martial Arts Techniques for Self Defense and Meditation or if you want to be a MMY Teacher, this Intensive is IDEAL!
If you already have a relatively deep Martial Arts or Boxing Background and have a Yoga Teacher Training certification then you are ready to be accredited with the 6 Day Intensive Training! If you don't have a Martial Arts Background then after 6 months of consecutive Martial Training or MMY Training you can be eligible to teach the system.
Mixed Martial Yoga Teachers will be established in Yoga Teaching and Traditional Martial Arts Practice and Vipassana Meditation and these skills and practices are integrated perfectly to as the perfectly balanced art of Mixed Martial Yoga.
MMY classes training is a true Martial Art sourced from Muay Thai and Shaolin Kung Fu. As Master Alex says, "6 months of Mixed Martial Yoga training and you can kick any civilians ass!"
$899 -Tuition and limited to only 12 Spaces! Any questions please message me or one of the MASTERS!
If you want to learn the MOST POWERFUL system that teaches true Martial Arts Techniques for Self Defense and Meditation or if you want to be a MMY Teacher, this Intensive is IDEAL!
If you already have a relatively deep Martial Arts or Boxing Background and have a Yoga Teacher Training certification then you are ready to be accredited with the 6 Day Intensive Training! If you don't have a Martial Arts Background then after 6 months of consecutive Martial Training or MMY Training you can be eligible to teach the system.
Mixed Martial Yoga Teachers will be established in Yoga Teaching and Traditional Martial Arts Practice and Vipassana Meditation and these skills and practices are integrated perfectly to as the perfectly balanced art of Mixed Martial Yoga.
MMY classes training is a true Martial Art sourced from Muay Thai and Shaolin Kung Fu. As Master Alex says, "6 months of Mixed Martial Yoga training and you can kick any civilians ass!"
$899 -Tuition and limited to only 12 Spaces! Any questions please message me or one of the MASTERS!
Preparing for the final exams of Yoga Nutrition which begin tomorrow.
Preparing for the final exams of YogaNutrition which begin tomorrow! #yoganutrition #vegan #vegetarian #rawvegan #rawfood #meat #dairy #animalfoods #yoga #ahimsa #bible #jesus #compassion #cancer #yogaguru #guayaquilyoga #miamiyoga #brickellyoga #kendallyoga #davieyoga #yogadavie #miramaryoga #pembrokepinesyoga #aventurayoga #limayoga #fredbuschyoga #bogotayoga #coloradoyoga #blessed #gratitude #nightschool
Today one year ago we where finishing our training, no doubt it was a life changing experience for all of us!
"Today one year ago we where finishing our training, no doubt it was a life changing experience for all of us! Fred Busch Mayara Busch and all the teachers working behind and aside of you, thank you for all your wisdom, knowledge, experience, love, and teaching that you gave us, and still give to us.
A lot of people have said this especially those of us that are lucky enough to cross your path and learn from your voice and heart, you are the best Guru, friend, guidance, and teacher of all! Fred Busch thank you, for help me find my way everyday.
I miss you so much, and I humble hope to see you again, with these new eyes, heart, voice and enlightening that you gave me with no boundaries, thank you for teaching me to appreciate life and be grateful for every moment, every person, every situation. You will always be in my heart and by hand with your words of wisdom. Thank You Fred Busch TT! Thank you God for letting me find them and them to find me. "
Thank you so much M.M. these notes are very very meaningful to Mayara Busch and me!!!
A lot of people have said this especially those of us that are lucky enough to cross your path and learn from your voice and heart, you are the best Guru, friend, guidance, and teacher of all! Fred Busch thank you, for help me find my way everyday.
I miss you so much, and I humble hope to see you again, with these new eyes, heart, voice and enlightening that you gave me with no boundaries, thank you for teaching me to appreciate life and be grateful for every moment, every person, every situation. You will always be in my heart and by hand with your words of wisdom. Thank You Fred Busch TT! Thank you God for letting me find them and them to find me. "
Thank you so much M.M. these notes are very very meaningful to Mayara Busch and me!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
These two poses Handstand and Scorpian .
These two poses #handstand and #scorpian are really accomplished by two different muscle groups working together assuming BOTH groups are strong enough the pose becomes fairly simple. #psoas muscle and #wrist muscles groups coordinate their #strength to provide the #balance aspect of this #armbalance #asana. Working on fortifying your forearm wrist #muscles and your #iliopsoas. #yogateachertraining #hotyoga #vinyasayoga #poweryoga #protein #wheredoigetmyprotein #power #vegan #vegetarian #vitaminb12 #rawvegan #gratitude #guayaquilyoga #miamiyoga #davieyoga #yogadavie #brickellyoga #fredbuschyoga #nutrition #yoganutrition #yogaeverydamnday #feeltheyogahigh #samadhi #zen #yogaguru —
Monday, February 9, 2015
Join us in Brickell with Mayara Busch at 8pm for FREE FRIDAY NIGHT MEDITATIONS.
Village Vipassana is TONIGHT!!! Join us in Brickell with Mayara Busch at 8pm for FREE FRIDAY NIGHT MEDITATIONS - all so that we as a Village, a community can share time together setting intention and practicing Meditation together which can make it even more powerful.
At our Kendall Studio Village Vipassana begins at 6:30pm this evening!
NO MEDITATION EXPERIENCE REQUIRED EVERYTHING WILL BE INSTRUCTED smile emoticon Bring a VEGAN snack to share if you like for the hang out after!
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Tonight i was teaching about how amazing Jesus ,
Tonight i was teaching about how amazing Jesus was and why... and the ESSENE GOSPEL OF PEACE and the Dead Sea Scrolls and the spiritual unity between Ahimsa and the Bible's commandment 'Thou shall not kill' and how the Bible does not say 'Thou shall not kill HUMANS ONLY'... it says simply and absolutely THOU SHALL NOT KILL... period smile emoticon
The Essene Gospel of peace translated by EDMOND BORDEAUX SZEKELY begins below! Whenever i read this i begin to cry as i am moved beyond my ability to contain.
"And then many sick and maimed came to Jesus, asking him. "if you know all things, tell us, why do we suffer with these grievous plagues? Why are we not whole like other men? Master, heal us, that we too may be made strong, and need abide no longer in our misery. We know that you have it in your power to heal all manner of disease. Free us from Satan and from all his great afflictions. Master, have compassion on us."
And Jesus answered- "Happy are you that you hunger for the truth, for I will satisfy you with the bread of wisdom. Happy are you, that you knock, for I will open to you the door of life. Happy are you, that you would cast off the power of Satan, for I will lead you into the kingdom of our Mother's angels, where the power of Satan cannot enter."
The Essene Gospel of peace translated by EDMOND BORDEAUX SZEKELY begins below! Whenever i read this i begin to cry as i am moved beyond my ability to contain.
"And then many sick and maimed came to Jesus, asking him. "if you know all things, tell us, why do we suffer with these grievous plagues? Why are we not whole like other men? Master, heal us, that we too may be made strong, and need abide no longer in our misery. We know that you have it in your power to heal all manner of disease. Free us from Satan and from all his great afflictions. Master, have compassion on us."
And Jesus answered- "Happy are you that you hunger for the truth, for I will satisfy you with the bread of wisdom. Happy are you, that you knock, for I will open to you the door of life. Happy are you, that you would cast off the power of Satan, for I will lead you into the kingdom of our Mother's angels, where the power of Satan cannot enter."
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Just finished the first night school session for Yoga Nutrition here in Ecuador.
Just finished the first night school session for YogaNutrition here in Ecuador! This school is the most perfect complement to the yoga teacher training so that we can help people very effectively by understanding the variables that allow for well-being! I had a lot of fun tonight what a great group! #yoganutrition #yoga #nutrition #raw #vegan #vegetarian #rawvegan #yogaguru #fredbuschyoga #miamiyoga #davieyoga #kendallyoga #blessed #healingsequnces #enlightnment
Learning how to get the most benefits from the half-moon pose.
Learning how to get the most benefits from the half-moon pose which when done correctly is very beneficial for the immune system #yoga #yogateachertraining #yogatherapy #fredbuschyoga #feeltheyogahigh #yogaeverydamnday #miamidolphins #miamiyoga #yogamiami #brickellyoga #davieyoga #yogadavie #kendallyoga #brickell #c#limayoga #bogotayoga #yogaespanol #blessed #gratitude #hotyoga #poweryoga #vinyasa
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Today in Teacher Training In Ecuador.
Today in Teacher Training In Ecuador I made all the students do downward dog as if they had very tight hamstrings and was teaching how to adjust and modify poses when students have tight hamstrings. Students with tight hamstrings experience yoga asana very differently and some very simple modifications can make their experience much more joyful and beneficial.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Feb 29th in Miami Armbalance Workshop Handstand ,Join us! Miami yoga Brickell yoga and many more .
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