Yoga Master Fred Busch shares his thoughts and wisdom on Health, Yoga, the Environment and Current Events.
Fred is the founder of Miami Yoga and Brickell Hot Yoga in Florida, USA.
FRED Busch is director of HOT POWER Yoga Teacher Training in studios in Miami, New York, Denver, London, Malta, Moscow, Lima, and Bogota. Power Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats are also offered at FRED Busch's Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado's Rocky Mountains.
I hope you can consider coming to Colorado for this special 200 or 500 hour level Training! STARTS FEBRUARY 17th
It will be Fred and Rae Indigo, from Sunrise all day each day for 17 Days! We are going to be instructing the new Mixed Martial Yoga set we are developing along with the advanced insights into the Fred Busch Power Yoga sets... and be real heavy with Bodywork, Energetic Anatomy, Alignment, Food, and Pranayama.
It will be a real ashram like experience in the middle of the best nature possible! The cold weather will keep us happy to be inside and focusing on our Yoga! Tuition is $3950 and that INCLUDES ROOM AND BOARD! I hope you can do it!
For graduates of my Teacher Trainings the tuition is $3250
In the early 70s, National Geographic ran an extensive series of articles investigating claims of long-lived people around the world. The Hunza (pronounced hoonza”) People, who live in the North of Pakistan, were one of those peoples. It is believed that among these people centenarians are a common occurrence. The Hunza and the valley in which they live was famous in the region. The Hunza Valley is a high altitude, fertile valley that supports agriculture and provides isolation from the rest of the world. Some say that the Hunza Valley was the basis for Shangri La in the book “Lost Horizons”.
Hunza valley - terraced gardens
No one really knows exactly how long they live because it has never been documented and they did not measure the quality of their lives in years. Physicians examined the Hunza and made their best guesses to how old they people were. Without focusing too much on documented maximum age, the truly extraordinary fact is that all reports from the Hunza mention that even the most elderly population is fit, full of vitality and virtually free from disease.
How did they remain disease free, you might ask?
In short, diet, exercise and proper attitude. The mountain terrain where the Hunza live is extremely rough and the Hunza people spend their lives moving among the rough passages and steep ridges. They are said to be hardier than even the famous Sherpa people of the Himalayan region.
How and what do they eat?
Hunzas eat only two meals a day and eat very little. The first meal is taken about noon, although the Hunzas are up every morning at around five a.m. This may sound surprising, since most nutrition experts here in the west stress the importance of a hearty breakfast, even though our life-style is relatively sedentary compared to that of the Hunzas; who engage in demanding physical labor all morning long on an empty stomach.
Their primary died consists of mostly plants, eaten raw. The Hunza do not have access to a large amount of fuel for cooking, nor are there many animals available for eating, so they plant what they can and gather the rest. Apricots (they have a particular fondness for apricot pits), cherries, grapes, plums and peaches are all cultivated by the Hunza. They also eat a lot of grains such as wheat, barley, and millet. During the off season (the cold winter months) milk and cheese are important sources of animal protein. Meat, although not completely eliminated, is consumed only very rarely, reserved for special occasions like marriages or festivals. This fact is no doubt one of the reasons why the Hunzas have such healthy digestive systems. Even when meat is served, the portions are very small and are generally cut into small pieces and stewed for a long time. Beef and mutton are rarely used, chicken being their most common source of animal protein. The important thing to remember is that although the Hunzas are not wholly vegetarian, meat forms a minimal part of their daily diet. In addition, all Hunza food is completely natural, containing no chemical additives whatsoever.
And their attitude, where they happy?
Absolutely. In fact, many researchers have claimed that they’re "The Happiest People on Earth". The Hunza have a certain relish and passion for life -- perhaps brought on to some extent by their daily rigorous exercise and simple lifestyle.
What Can We Learn from the Hunza?
Three things:
Eat primarily raw fruits and vegetables
Exercise daily
Maintain a positive outlook
In the following video Fred speaks to his teacher training students and covers several subjects relating to energy and life. Mentioned in this clip are the Hunza people of the Pakistani Himalayas who are the oldest lived people in the world and Fred explains the secrets to their longevity.
Completing this series of how to learn to pronounce the most common Yoga Asanas correctly. Learn many Sanskrit root words that can be used to understand more Mantras and sacred texts. These videos were shot live at Fred Busch Power Yoga Teacher Training in South America.
Chapter 11 of 12
Chapter 12 of 12
Check out the other chapters...
For Chapters 1 & 2 click HERE
For Chapters 3 & 4 click HERE
For Chapters 5 & 6 click HERE
For Chapters 7 & 8 click HERE
For Chapters 9 & 10 click HERE
Continuing with this series of how to learn to pronounce the most common Yoga Asanas correctly. Learn many Sanskrit root words that can be used to understand more Mantras and sacred texts. These videos were shot live at Fred Busch Power Yoga Teacher Training in South America. Chapter 9 of 12
Chapter 10 of 12
Stay tuned, more to come...
For Chapters 1 & 2 click HERE For Chapters 3 & 4 click HERE For Chapters 5 & 6 click HERE For Chapters 7 & 8 click HERE
Fred Busch Power Yoga Teacher Training in North Carlina
May 20th - June 10th
3 Week Super Intensive
Join Fred Busch at Yoga of Light Studio in Waynesville, North Carolina for his Yoga Alliance Certified 200 Hour and 300 Hour Teacher Training Program. If you are interested in becoming certified for Power Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Hot Yoga or Therapeutic Yoga and you live near Asheville, North Carolina, contact us for more information!
Yoga Instructor Course in the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina with world renowned Power Yoga Master Fred Busch.
Register Now!
Derrick, co-Director of Yoga of Light - (814) 242-6387
You know it is highly unusual for me to
suggest hunting... but the fact is that there are probably more pythons
in the everglades right now...eating every native species to
extinction... then in all of southeast Asia. We should encourage pythons from the everglades as the environmentally friendly way to use snake skin, maybe it could ease the pressure on the other pythons in the world
I know that this suggestion is amazing coming from me...
but fact is fact...and if we don't start eradicating the burmese python
from the Everglades... there will be nothing left except snakes because
they have no predator in Florida and they are even eating alligators!
Welcoming everyone for the Power Yoga Master Class in London. I will stop over on my way to Rishikesh on December 9th in the afternoon. Get details from the following link:
Continuing with this series of how to learn to pronounce the most common Yoga Asanas correctly. Learn many Sanskrit root words that can be used to understand more Mantras and sacred texts. These videos were shot live at Fred Busch Power Yoga Teacher Training in South America.
The unreported part of this sad story of
people dying from tainted steroid injections is that the reason many of
those people were taking those steroids is they were desperate to
alleviate their back pain.
Please everybody realize that you
do not need to go through extreme (and extremely dangerous) procedures
or take pharmaceuticals. My book the Lower Back Bible offers a very
simple, safe and effective approach that really works!
Everyone knows that hemp is one of the most
versatile and potentially profitable means to begin to solve some of the
planets most pernicious challenges!
If obesity is the number one cause for the
unsustainable rise in health care costs...and one of the primary causes
of obesity has been scientifically called out like this ... then it
stands to reason... like the tobacco industry... that they should be
taxed as a vice and as a burden to public health. Read more from the link:
There is a difference between being a
professional Yoga instructor and being a Yogi who teaches yoga
professionally. The difference between the two can be sensed by the glow
in a teachers eye and their command of a room. Once we have a steady
practice and are a Yogi or Yogini, then being a Yoga teacher means an
ability to transfer that frequency of equanimity and peace within the
context of a very safe and yet challenging Asana class that includes a
closing meditation.
There are carnivores, herbivores, omnivores and then there are fruibivores. Often we humans are told that we are omnivores, because we eat omnivorously and that we eat anything. Check out the link below, then make a decision if you would like to be called an omnivore.
Looking for a private condo for rent for your South Beach Vacation? We rent our condo on South Beach to selected guests who are interested in a great 2 Bedroom/ 2 Bathroom Condo with the best view of the ocean, you are welcome to contact us to check for availability.
If you are interested in a vacation in Miami Beach and want to stay in the comfort of a private condo with a full kitchen, pool, located directly on the Ocean.
"All animals, including humans, predigest their food in a separate, upper portion of the stomach sometimes called the food-enzyme stomach.
The upper portion of the human stomach is this reservoir wherein amylase (from the ptyalin of the saliva) and other exogenous food enzymes (from the food or from supplements) carry out their di
gestive actions without muscular peristaltic motion. This, of course, implies that the human stomach is naturally designed to allow food the necessary time to slowly digest within the food’s own internal enzymes.
But since cooked foods no longer contain their own internal enzymes, the food-enzymes stomach is robbed of most of its digestive purposes.
This puts a tremendous strain on other digestive organs, enlarges the liver and the pancreas, and sets the stage for a dark parade of modern degenerative diseases that work invisibly over many years." Karl Abrams
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Please note our Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule change on Thursday and Friday
This Thursday, November 22, we will be open for MORNING classes only. 6:30am
9:00am 10:30am
On Friday, November 23, we will be open 6:30am 10:30am
We hope you have a wonderful holiday filled with much love, family and gratitude!
The rest of the weekend we will have our normal schedule. Thank you for all your support everybody!!!!! We are truly grateful for such an amazing community of family and friends!
Claudia, Fred and the entire Brickell Hot Yoga Family
Continuing with this series of how to learn to pronounce the most common Yoga Asanas correctly. Learn many Sanskrit root words that can be used to understand more Mantras and sacred texts. These videos were shot live at Fred Busch Power Yoga Teacher Training in South America.
Yoga Bogota y Power Yoga Colombia
Cursos para Profesores de Yoga con Fred Busch.
Fred Busch tienen cursos y certificaciones registrada por yoga alianza. Fred Busch Power Yoga esta en Bogota, Colombia ; Lima, Peru ; Guayaquil, Ecuador, ; Miami, Florida ; New York, New York
All meat is equal, and a dead body is a dead body. When we mention meat, in its explanation should include fish, turkey, chicken, cow, goat and other human beings. It doesn't really matter the species because what we am speaking about now is what happens when we eat something that is not appropriate for our physiology as humans, and what are the actual physiological results when we eat in what is called violation to our biological design.
What happens when you take dead meat or dead flesh from any source or any type of animal and you put it into a digestive system designed like ours? First of all besides being absolutely disgusting, beyond comprehension, nasty and rotting, meat has one quality, it has no fibre. My favorite yoga teacher said one time, go home one time and turn on your refrigerator into a refrigerator again instead of what it is now which is a morgue. A cold store house for dead bodies is called a morgue, it's not a refrigerator.
If you have heard before, we need fibre for regularity. Well the reason is, your intestinal system kind of looks like a snake, and exactly the same way that a snake functions through something called parastoltic muscular action, which means like concentric circles that move and that's how a snake moves that's also how our intestinal track moves stuff through it; it is called parastolsis. What is required for parastolsis is something to hold onto, something to grab or grip, otherwise it can't move anything through it. What it is grabbing or gripping is fibre. That is why if something like rotting meat gets stuck in there, well some very simple obvious things are going to start happening. .
Continue to learn how to pronounce the most common Yoga Asanas correctly. Learn many Sanskrit root words that can be used to understand more Mantras and sacred texts. These videos were shot live at Fred Busch Power Yoga Teacher Training in South America.
Learn how to pronounce the most common Yoga Asanas correctly. Learn many Sanskrit root words that can be used to understand more Mantras and sacred texts. These videos were shot live at Fred Busch Power Yoga Teacher Training in South America.
NAMASTE! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. We have had a date change for our INDIA YOGA RETREAT now 12/10/2012-12/20/2012. Which means you have even more time to prepare, plan, save and COME with us. You don't want to miss this life changing experience led by Fred, Natalie and our dear friend Amit. Check out our blog from our last retreat to see highlights, photos, videos, and stories;
Rishikesh - aerial view
Dates Decem...ber 10th- December 20th 2012. Plenty of time for you to plan though we do plan on selling out. Brief Details:
12/10/2012 arrive in Delhi, India
12/11/2012 depart to Rishikesh by private car
12/11/2012-12/19/2012 Check into hotel in The Rainforest House ( You will experience daily yoga, visit to waterfalls, the Ganga River, Shivanada ashram, Vasishta Gufta cave where the Hindu sage and yogi Vasishta did his sadhana ages ago, Rajaji National Park, sunrises, sunsets, hikes, and a life changing experience.
12/19/2012 depart back Delhi, India by private car
12/20/2012 departure back to country of origin.
Price: $2250. We have extended our discounted price: pay in full by JULY 1st 2012 and pay $2000.
Includes: pick up to and from airport, 9 nights of hotels (double occupancy and shared bed), breakfast included in Delhi, 2 meals a day included in Rishikesh at the rainforest hotel, daily yoga classes, and group day adventures.
Does not include: tips, meals other then what is stated, any extra activities you may want to do while in Rishikesh, and international air flight.
Teaching about Patanjali and his sutras in New York at Yoga Nanda. Mayara and I are so much enjoying being food tourists visiting all these amazing vegetarian restaurants in manhattan! Tonight is Candle 79 recommended by Jules! — with Mayara Light.
Patanjali is the father of Yoga and the author of the Yoga Sutras. Inside the Yoga Sutras are contained the 8 Limbs Path translated into Sanskrit is Ashtanga Yoga. In this video from 2010 Fred explains about the contribution Patanjali makes to Yoga and the historical context with which the Sutras were written.
We are doing many experimental things these days. We are not unlike lab rats actually. Between our cell phone radiation trials that we are all involuntarily participating in or this scourge called GMOS!
Click on Picture below to read article "Buying the Vote on G.M.O.’s" - published in the NY Times 10/23/12...
Did you know? Did you know that the Masters tell us that your true nature is bliss and well being. Like the sun is always shining your true nature is always shining. But the metaphor continues to explain that sometimes there are obstacles between you and your perception/realization of this true nature.
Just like clouds pass between the sun and the earth and during those moments one can not perce...ive the sun, for us our thoughts are the obstacles between us and our realization of deep peace. There are other obstacles as well related to thinking mind like deep misidentifications and habit patterns, but whatever obstacles are identified one must first visualize that as soon as those obstacles have been clear that the work is over and the experience of Yoga will reveal itself without effort.
For this reason the energy in the universe that removes obstacles is to be revered as the main force providing us with the means to fulfill our intentions and experience our true nature. This energy that is the remover of obstacles is called Ganesh.
New York teacher training at Yoga Nanda — with Fred Busch & Mayara Light.
Hands on instruction at Yoga Nanda
Hot Yoga Teacher Training
Are you a Bikram Yoga™ Teacher interested in learning mor
Hot Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Teacher Training with Fred Busch
Fred Busch Hot Power Yoga Teacher Training is a Yoga Instructor Course that also is ideal for personal practice and self development. Fred Busch Hot Power Yoga is a Yoga Alliance Accredited Program for both 200 Hour and 500 Hour Hot Yoga Certifications.
This is a professional training course that will lay the foundations and present all skills required to become an outstanding Yogi who teaches Hot Power Yoga and Hot Vinyasa Yoga.
We emphasize yoga philosophy and yoga therapy creating a well rounded Hot Yoga Teacher ready to help students with different backgrounds and abilities.
In this video Fred Busch, master of Yoga and Nutrition, discusses The American Nutrition Institute's Detox program and some very potent keys to success in weight loss and stress relief.
Fred is the co-founder of The American Nutrition Institute and leads Trainings and Certifications around the world!
Special note for those about to begin a detox program - Don't let those nasty symptoms discourage you! Healing Crisis, aka; The Herxheimer Reaction - Feeling worse before feeling better
The Herxheimer Reaction is a short-term detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, sinus problems, general malaise, sweating, chills, dizziness, nausea or other symptoms.
This is a normal — and even healthy — reaction that indicates that toxins, parasites, fungus, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens are being effectively killed off and/or in the process of being eliminated. The biggest problem with the Herxheimer reaction is that people break the cleanse that is causing the reaction, and thus discontinue the very treatment that is helping to make them better. Although the process may not make you feel particularly good, the Herxheimer Reaction is actually a sign that healing is taking place and toxins are being broken-up and circulated for elimination.
Defining the Herxheimer Reaction?
The Herxheimer Reaction is an immune system reaction to the toxins (endotoxins) that are released when large amounts of pathogens are being killed off, and the body does not eliminate the toxins quickly enough. Simply stated, it is a reaction that occurs when the body is detoxifying and the released toxins intensify current symptoms or create their own symptoms. The important thing to note is that worsening symptoms do not indicate failure of the cleanse in question; in fact, it's usually just the opposite.
The severity of the Herx reaction is often an indicator of just how much toxicity there was in the body to begin with and is an indicator of the effectiveness of the cleanse. It is actually a sign that the body is restoring itself to good health.
The reaction times, if indeed there is any reaction at all, are strictly dependent on the individual doing the cleanse. Duration of the reaction also varies widely, from an hour or a few hours to days or even a week in extremely rare cases.
A few suggestions to lessen the discomfort of the Herxheimer Reaction
Drink plenty of water.
Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine if possible.
Minimize excercise and get plenty of rest whenever symptoms are severe.
Keep the bowels, lungs, skin and urinary tract clean and clear.
Take Epsom salt baths and/ or steam baths and saunas.
The most important advice in relation to the Herxheimer Reaction is to “bear with the process”. The reaction is usually over within a few hours up to a few days and is well worth the cleansing and healing results. Plus, it is a sure sign that the cleanse is doing its job and working to help restore your body to a state of vibrant and natural health!
Keep this in mind and "bear with the process"
*A word of caution... Although rare, any serious symptoms such as cardiac irregularity; breathing difficulties due to chest, lung or throat constriction; significant swelling; or other severe symptoms should be given immediate medical attention.
Standing Yoga Poses for your Work Space - continued from Part 1
In this short video Fred shows us that even small bits of Yoga done throughout the day at work will have incredible effects on your circulation and mental clarity and energy. Fred Busch explains a few very simple but invigorating standing poses that anyone can practice and benefit from while at work.
Yoga in your workspace - at your desk! The most important thing you can do at your job is to micro-exercise. Take small breaks to stretch and strengthen your muscles. This keeps your mind clear and your body feeling energized. In this short video Fred demonstrates how to use Yoga awareness at work during a short 5 minute break.
Did you know? Did you know that when the ‘cat is away the mice will play’? The average length of the entire human intestine can range from 7.5 to 8.5 meters (25 to 28 feet) with a surface area over ten times greater than the skin surface, all of which is supposed to be TEEMING with BILLIONS of beneficial micro flora collectively called “probiotics”. These symbionts are responsible for keeping the surface areas of our intestines occupied so that nothing unwanted can come, take root and flourish.
When we drink alcohol or take drugs (especially antibiotics) of any kind these beneficial bacteria are wiped out and thus a huge range of molecular compounds they were supposed to produce for us don’t get made and the territory is left unguarded and vulnerable to infestation. ANTIbiotics are, after all, the antithesis of PRObiotics!
It’s also very important to understand that both beneficial "friendly" and harmful "unfriendly" micro organisms inhabit the human intestinal tract simultaneously. They enjoy a complex symbiotic relationship with each other. In fact, in many cases each contributes to the overall function and health of the intestinal tract, while keeping the other in check at the same time.
Of course, when under undisturbed conditions, the balance of "friendly" micro organisms to "unfriendly" micro organisms remains remarkably stable. Intestinal function runs smoothly, with digestion and metabolism operating at peak levels, providing essential enzymes, nutrients and chemicals to the rest of the body.
So when this balance in the intestinal tract is maintained healthful conditions prevail. It is only when the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract becomes disturbed or otherwise altered that the balance of friendly/unfriendly micro organisms becomes disrupted, and then serious health problems often occur. Most common causes of these disturbances are antibiotic usage, excessive sugar or alcohol consumption, stress and even drinking chlorinated or fluorinated water.
When the ecological balance of the human gastrointestinal tract becomes disrupted, beneficial micro organisms can no longer flourish in required numbers to hold the harmful ones in check. What's more, malicious toxin producing bacteria and fungi begin to take over, further threatening the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract.
Any diet high in red meats, concentrated proteins or rich, fatty foods will dramatically alter the acid/alkaline balance of the intestines, leading to the overgrowth of the disease causing, putrefactive bacteria that eventually will overcome the beneficial bacteria and open the door to a host of serious health problems.
Furthermore, colonies of putrefactive bacteria often discharge highly toxic by-products while reacting with foods in the digestive tract. This reaction could further upset the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract and slowly poison the bloodstream and subsequently the entire body. The end result is the onset of chronic degenerative diseases.
Do you have severe lower back pain that will not go away? Have you been told that surgery is your best or only option? Fred Busch is a world renowned authority on eliminating lower back pain through the use of his unique yoga program.
Visit the Amazon webpage and order now, click on book cover image below...
The unreported part of this sad story (BBC News) of people dying from tainted steroid injections is that the reason many of those people were taking those steroids is they were desperate to alleviate their back pain.
Please everybody, realize that you do not need to go through extreme (and extremely dangerous) procedures or take pharmaceuticals. My book the Lower Back Bible offers a very simple, safe and effective approach that really works!
If you're like most Americans, you've been raised on cow's milk and probably continue to think that it's a healthy food that's a staple for a well balanced diet. Well, it's time to reconsider.
In the following nine minute video Fred explains how dairy products are not ideal for human beings. He uses examples to illustrate why it is unnatural for adult mammals to continue to consume dairy foods. In this yoga teacher training clip, Fred also explains how certain truths are not apparent.
It seems that whenever the subject about why you should NOT have dairy products, people bring out all their defensive tactics in support of milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream etc..
But a little research will show that milk and dairy products are not the health foods we’ve been told they are. Here's a list of 11 reasons to stop consuming them:
Cow’s milk is intended for baby cows. We’re the only species (other than those we are domesticating) that drinks milk after infancy. And, we’re definitely the only ones drinking the milk of a different species.
Hormones. Not only are the naturally-present hormones in cow’s milk stronger than human hormones, the animals are routinely given steroids and other hormones to plump them up and increase milk production. These hormones can negatively impact humans’ delicate hormonal balance.
Most cows are fed inappropriate food. Commercial feed for cows contains all sorts of ingredients that include: genetically-modified (GM) corn, GM soy, animal products, chicken manure, cottonseed, pesticides, and antibiotics.
Dairy products, when metabolized, are acid-forming. Our bodies are constantly striving for biochemical balance to keep our blood at 7.365 pH. Eating excessive acid-forming products can cause our bodies to overuse some of its acid-balancing mechanisms, one of which is the bones. Alkaline calcium is stored in the bones and released to combat excessive acidity in the body. Over time, bones can become fragile.
Research shows that the countries whose citizens consume the most dairy products have the HIGHEST incidence of osteoporosis.
Most dairy cows live in confined, inhumane conditions, never seeing the pastures of green grass they were intended to eat.
Most dairy products are pasteurized to kill potentially-harmful bacteria. During the pasteurization process, vitamins, proteins, and enzymes are destroyed. Enzymes assist with the digestion process. When they are destroyed through pasteurization, milk becomes harder to digest, therefore putting a strain on our bodies’ enzyme systems.
Dairy products are mucous-forming. They can contribute to respiratory disorders. When I remove dairy and sugar from the diets of my clients, they stop experiencing hay fever and seasonal allergies.
Research links dairy products with arthritis. In one study on rabbits, scientist Richard Panush was able to PRODUCE inflamed joints in the animals by switching their water to milk. In another study, scientists observed more than a 50% reduction in the pain and swelling of arthritis when participants eliminated milk and dairy products from their diet.
Most milk is homogenized, which denatures the milk’s proteins, making it harder to digest. Many peoples’ bodies react to these proteins as though they are “foreign invaders” causing their immune systems to overreact. Research also links homogenized milk to heart disease.
Pesticides in cow feed find their way into milk and dairy products that we consume.
If you're still not convinced that you'll live a longer and healthier life by eliminating dairy watch the following 77 minute documentary film "The Perils of Dairy":
"Schedule your mammogram during MAMMOPALOOZA and enter to win an Apple® iPad® 2."
This is an ad I just saw. Is it not odd to anyone else that rather than addressing the root cause of breast cancer and eradicating it... we prefer to have a MAMMOPALOOZA.
Read what Dr. Andrew Weil has to say in this Q & A...
Did you know? Did you know that there is not a magical skill called Balance?
Do you believe that you ‘don’t have good balance’? Fact is that there is no magical (or mythical) skill called balance that some people have and others don’t. Balance does not really exist in that way. What it is... is strength. Because you have the strength to do it is the reason why you are able to stand on leg, not because you were born with ‘good balance’. The best way to put it simply is: Balance = Strength and Strength is simply a function of practice. Guard against having unrealistic and unfair expectations of your body to perform poses that you have not practiced everyday for months. And of course keep your eyes fixed (or still) and keep breathing. ☺
Just scheduled! I will be teaching a Power Yoga Master Class in London on my way to Rishikesh! Details coming soon! Check out The House of Yoga in London with Director Jason Pooley!
Visit the studio - The House of Yoga
Hot power vinyasa yoga studio in Putney
The House of Yoga in London with Director Jason Pooley
The House of Yoga's hot vinyasa power yoga studio in Putney is fully fitted with a state of the art infrared heating system and an air filtered ventilation system which constantly filters fresh air.
In the following video Fred explains why not to snack on nuts in general, and why to eat only almonds if you eat nuts. Fred explains the acid and alkaline effects that eating nuts have and thus why to avoid all but the almond. Fred also explains why women want to be careful to not overuse soy milk. This is excerpted from Fred Busch's Famous Food Talk in South Beach.
Almonds are nutrient-dense (eat small quantities only), moderately alkaline-forming nuts. They provide more calcium than any other nut, and this high calcium content coupled with high magnesium content is what makes almonds alkaline-forming. Because almonds are about 60 percent fat, they’re also high in calories; a 1 oz. serving contains just over 170 calories, of which 102 calories are from heart-healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat. Almonds are an excellent source of protein, potassium, iron, zinc and vitamin E, and a good source of antioxidant flavonoids. Almonds also help reduce LDL cholesterol levels and offer protection against heart disease, but please always eat them raw and only in moderation.
Cautionary note: Nuts rich in asparagine, such as almonds, have the potential to harm your health and fitness when roasted. Sticking to raw nuts remains the safest method to avoid such problems.
"The key theme with the food topic is that eating more intelligently is not difficult, and that people don’t have to eat 100% different or change in any kind of major way; in fact, if they just change a little bit at a time, that is called a positive feedback cycle, and it is has snowball effect. So if only one time someone were going to grab a candy bar but instead they grab an apple or a banana and that only happened once in the next 55 years, don't think that is insignificant. One of the big mistakes that we all make in our life is assuming if we are not doing it all the way, why do it at all, and that is one of those mental traps where we are not able to do anything that's anything intelligent because we just think that if we don't do it so perfectly, we better just skip it. The fact is, if we just do very small things, it makes a huge difference, not a small difference. It's positive feedback cycle, you do one smart thing, it makes you stronger mentally and physically, giving you the potential to do another smart thing later on, and it builds up like a snow ball and eventually it just becomes very easy to act more intelligently.
"The body works in a way that it is constantly using a vast majority of its vitality or the vast majority of its energy is dedicated into the digestive system and the organs of simulation, intestines and stomach, basically absorbing 70% of your energy in your daily life. The reason is, we are all eating food that we are not biologically adapted to eat. And so we end up living a lifestyle where most of our energy is being diverted down a different stream not really being used for our own benefit. Your organs repair themselves when you eat less. When you don't eat, your body begins to detox and cleanse itself."
Highly recommended that you set aside some time to watch the following video...
10 Spots filled as of today... 5 more left! We will be in Rishikesh which is the spiritual heart of India and is on the Ganges River as she flows from the Himilayas. We will be doing lots of Yoga both with Natalie D'onofrio and myself, as...well as at the local Rishikesh Ashrams.
Did you know that in 1939 Swami Sivananda dedicated a temple to World Peace and instructed his students to play harmonium and chant mantra 24 hours a day... one each hour replaced by the next disciple.... and that even to this day Swami Sivananda's disciples continue to chant in the temple as they have been continuously since then!
Rishikesh is magical!
Fred & Natalie
Announcement Details:
NAMASTE! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. We have had a date change for our INDIA YOGA RETREAT now 12/10/2012-12/20/2012. Which means you have even more time to prepare, plan, save and COME with us. You don't want to miss this life changing experience led by Fred, Natalie and our dear friend Amit. Check out our blog from our last retreat to see highlights, photos, videos, and stories
Dates December 10th - December 20th 2012. Plenty of time for you to plan though we do plan on selling out.
Brief Details:
12/10/2012 arrive in Delhi, India
12/11/2012 depart to Rishikesh by private car
12/11/2012-12/19/2012 Check into hotel in Rishikesh The Rainforest House ( You will experience daily yoga, visit to waterfalls, the Ganga River, Shivanada ashram, Vasishta Gufta cave where the Hindu sage and yogi Vasishta did his sadhana ages ago, Rajaji National Park, sunrises, sunsets, hikes, and a life changing experience.
12/19/2012 depart back Delhi, India by private car
12/20/2012 departure back to country of origin.
Price: $2250. We have extended our discounted price: pay in full by JULY 1st 2012 and pay $2000.
Includes: pick up to and from airport, 9 nights of hotels (double occupancy and shared bed), breakfast included in Delhi, 2 meals a day included in Rishikesh at the rainforest hotel, daily yoga classes, and group day adventures.
Does not include: tips, meals other then what is stated, any extra activities you may want to do while in Rishikesh, and international air flight.
So you think taxing garbage foods is a bad idea huh? Obesity in this country is not affecting your health care costs huh?
Radical action may be required action to stop this epidemic according to global health experts!
Obesity is a problem in low, middle and high income countries
Obesity is a problem in low, middle and high income countries
From the article: "Governments had been too slow to act on the 'obesity crisis'."
"There is more willingness to invest in drugs and surgery than dealing with the underlying causes."
Author Nick Triggle also compared the tactics of the food industry - in terms of getting peopl...e addicted to their products and in blocking attempts to discourage consumption - to those of tobacco firms in previous decades.' - the FAT tax is coming.
Fred just booked his flight to New York! Saturday starts the Teacher Training at Yoga-nanda in New York! There are still some spots! Details...
When: October 13 at 9:00 am until November 11 at 5:30pm. Fred Busch Power Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga Nanda in Garden City! Yoga Alliance 200/300/500. Hot Yoga / Power Yoga / Vinyasa.
Did you know that 'the greatest trick the devil ever played is convincing the world he does not exist?' This means that if we are not aware of the source of the problem it is not possible to address the issue. If you are convinced that the source of the issue does not even exist...then you are unlikely to cast responsibility in the right direction.
And equally as important the realization that until something does indeed have a name... it can not be targeted. This is the reason why all things are now called medical conditions with specific medical names. Once a specific medical name is given to a specific medical condition... even in the cases of things that are totally innocuous... then the pharmaceutical industry can market a chemical that 'targets' that condition. It is a big industry of naming conditions so they can be used to create multi billion dollar drugs to counteract conditions that are more easily and effectively remedied using other means.
These two metaphors in juxtaposition are a tremendous wisdom helpful for navigating the world.
Always keep in mind: The biggest lie that the devil is selling the world is that he doesn’t exist. After that the devil's working on helping you to lose faith in love, in the power of work and the belief in that you can be healthy, happy and whole.
In the video that follows, Fred Busch explains during his power yoga teacher training in Miami Beach, how a person cannot fully understand the power and truth of Ahimsa until after they have attained Samadhi. The very first Yama, which is the first limb, is not possible to realize until after enlightenment.
First a brief explanation...
Ahimsa (Compassion for all living things)
The word ahimsa literally means not to injure or show cruelty to any creature or any person in any way whatsoever. Ahimsa is, however, more than just lack of violence as adapted in yoga. It means kindness, friendliness, and thoughtful consideration of other people and things. It also has to do with our duties and responsibilities too. Ahimsa implies that in every situation we should adopt a considerate attitude and do no harm.
Samadhi (Union with the Divine)
The final step in the eight-fold path of Yoga is the attainment of Samadhi. Samadhi means "to bring together, to merge." In the state of samadhi the body and senses are at rest, as if asleep, yet the faculty of mind and reason are alert, as if awake; one goes beyond consciousness. During samadhi, we realize what it is to be an identity without differences, and how a liberated soul can enjoy pure awareness of this pure identity. The conscious mind drops back into that unconscious oblivion from which it first emerged.
Thus, samadhi refers to union or true Yoga. There is an ending to the separation that is created by the "I" and "mine" of our illusory perceptions of reality. The mind does not distinguish between self and non-self, or between the object contemplated and the process of contemplation. The mind and the intellect have stopped and there is only the experience of consciousness, truth and unutterable joy.
The achievement of samadhi is a difficult task. For this reason the Yoga Sutra suggests the practice of asanas and pranayama as preparation for dharana (Concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness), because these influence mental activities and create space in the crowded schedule of the mind. Once dharana has occurred, dhyana (Meditation) and samadhi can follow.
These eight limbs (steps) of yoga indicate a logical pathway that leads to the attainment of physical, ethical, emotional, and psycho-spiritual health. Yoga does not seek to change the individual; rather, it allows the natural state of total health and integration in each of us to become a reality.
How many of us remember their mom yelling: “stand up straight”? Good posture is possible even without your mom’s guilt trip. One way to accomplish this is stretching and strengthening the muscles around and between your shoulder blades.
In this video presentation Fred explains the relationship between these muscles, the shoulder blades and your posture.
For most people, proper posture in the shoulder area eludes them. But on many occasions when you’re able to get in touch and straighten up properly, you probably have briefly had a taste of that “sweet spot” of balance and stability. Although for much of the time, you probably slump over or you go to the other extreme and adapt a stiff military type posture, thrusting your chest up and forward while wrenching your shoulder blades back toward your spine. But we have all experienced times when our shoulder blade alignment is natural and relaxed, when none of the supporting muscles are contracted and tense or overstretched and weak; and then you feel amazing.
The challenge, of course, is first in finding and then in maintaining that posture. But it's worth all the effort; not only will you look better when you’re standing up straight, but you'll also experience fewer aches and pains in your neck and back region and you'll then be able to practice yoga asana more easily. When you spend too much time looking like a Marine at attention, you’ll notice the tightness in the muscles between your shoulder blades and that can make it harder to raise your arms over your head, whether you're reaching up high for that box on the top shelf or pressing back into the downward-facing dog pose, or reaching for the sun as in the tree pose. When your tendency is to slump, you will probably have a difficult time doing backbends and you’ll notice a limited range of motion in your shoulders.
In addition to the role they play in maintaining proper posture, the shoulder blades (scapulae) act as the foundation for your arms. The stability and mobility of your shoulder blades depends almost entirely on the muscles that are attached to them. Fifteen muscles attach to each shoulder blade, and their actions are obscure, so it’s best to focus on just two opposing muscle groups that are crucial for both good posture and complete shoulder function: the adductor group, which pull your shoulder blades toward your spine, and the abductor group, which draw them away from it.
If you find standing “at attention" is your default position, you need to re-educate the muscles that adduct your scapulae (the trapezius and the rhomboids) to relax and soften.
The trapezius muscles lie just under the skin and run from the base of the skull and the spine out to the shoulder blades, covering most of your middle and upper back. The middle trapezius muscles, whose fibers run horizontally from the upper/middle-back vertebrae to the inner edge of the scapula, does most of the work of pulling the shoulder blades toward the spine. It gets help from the upper and lower parts of the trapezius: Along with pulling the shoulder blade toward the spine, the upper trap lifts it, while the lower trap pulls it down. But those actions usually cancel each other out, so when the whole muscle contracts it pulls the shoulder blade toward the spine. Immediately beneath the trapezius lies the rhomboid. Running between the upper-back vertebrae and the inner edge of the scapula, this muscle exerts an upward pull as well as a strong adduction.
Several yoga poses can help you stretch your trapezius and rhomboids. While assuming the cat pose (Marjaryasana) or the child's pose (Balasana), you can breathe into the space between your shoulder blades to relax and lengthen these muscle groups. In the eagle pose (Garudasana), you'll feel both shoulder blades pull away from the spine, especially when you lift your elbows and your breastbone. After you unwind your arms, envision opening a space for your heart and lungs, not just from the expansion of your chest, but also by widening the space between your shoulder blades.