Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our Species

The key theme of food talks is that eating more intelligently is not difficult, and that one doesn’t have to eat 100% different or change in any kind of major way. In fact, if you just change a little bit at a time, it is called a positive feedback cycle, and it is a snowball. So if only one time, you were going to grab a candy bar but instead you grab an apple or a banana and that only happened once in the next 55 years, don't think that is insignificant. The fact is, if we just do very small things, it makes a huge difference, not a small difference; you do one smart thing, it makes you stronger mentally and physically, giving you the potential to do another smart thing later on, and it builds up like a snowball. Eventually it just becomes very easy to act more intelligently.
We are primates and there are two kinds of primates that exist; monkeys and apes. The difference between monkeys and apes is that monkeys have tails, and apes do not have tails.
There is something called digestive anatomy, which means that if you analyze a species’ intestinal design, if you analyze the design of the actual digestive track, you actually can figure out what they eat. Biologist know, without even seeing what the animal is, they just open up the animal, look at the design of the intestinal track and determine whether it is a carnivore, or herbivore, or a fruit eating animal just because of the design. Now, if you were to take one of the apes and lay them on the floor dead, split them all open including one human, you are going to see exactly the same intestinal track. We have the same design, same digestive anatomy as they do. What you see is that, you have intestines that are 12 times the length of the torso.
The thing about comparative anatomy like this is that there is no exception. If the design of the anatomy is X, then they eat X. The will never eat Y because there are no exceptions to this. We have the same digestive system as all these other primates, all these other great apes, and so that means that we are meant to be eating the same thing that they are eating. And so, we are what are called fruibivores.
There are carnivores out there, there are herbivores out there and there are omnivores and there are fruibivores. So every type of food is going to have a different digestive system, for example, herbivores you know have multiple stomachs. It is so hard to extract nutrition out of just grass that it takes more than one stomach to do it. The carnivorous system is very short and very stout and very smooth because carnivores are eating dead animals and nature knows you don't want to keep a dead animal inside your body for too long, so the carnivorous system is very quick and very short and extracts the nutrients and out with the fur and the other stuff, the teeth, stuff it doesn't want.
The question is what is our digestive system and how does it relate. Remember, our intestines are 12 times the length of our torso, which means our intestines are extremely long, they are convoluted which means there's a lot of bends and turns, and there's a lot of nooks and crannies, a lot of hiding places because they are not smooth.
I want to address this omnivore-carnivore thing, because we are all told that we are omnivores? You eat anything! Have you ever seen, a big old home and the fire place has family portraits? Let’s make 2 family portraits and I am going to stick you inside either family portrait and you are going to tell me where you fit best. Portrait number one: monkey, Chimpanzee, mountain gorilla, bonabo, gibbon and orangutan, that is family number one, and you are welcome to put yourself into that family. Or if you want you could go into the omnivorous families and you can join the pigs, the rats and the dogs. Those are omnivores on this planet. Where do you think you fit? With the pig and the rat, because they will eat anything. Then you have the other choice which is these great apes that have very big brains that are extremely intelligent, extremely gentle and fruit eaters. I am guessing that you have already figured out where you probably fit a little bit more neatly, into the group of the great apes, fore so, that is what you are, and second of all, you probably realize that there is not a lot of resemblance between you and a rat, or you and a pig in general
We are NOT omnivores, because if we were, we would be in the family of pigs and rats. But we are not, we are in this family of apes because we are fruibivores, and the proof is so simple; you open us up, and you see what our digestive system looks like, and it looks like all their digestive systems, if you open up a rats digestive system, it wouldn't look anything like that.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Background and Intention of food talks with Fred

I grew up very regularly, very conventionally and ate nothing but absolute garbage for the first 22 years of my life. I never ate one piece of fruit; I didn't eat anything that had any semblance of vitality or health for 22 straight years. I didn't start learning about this stuff until the age of 23 or 24, and at that point I started very intensely. I probably read over 100,000 pages on this subject, I went 7 years straight eating only raw vegan food.

By giving these food talks, my intention is not really to change the way that you eat or to change your life. Rule number one about us as human beings is that we are going to do whatever we want, and we are not going to do it because someone else told us to, we are going to do it because it is something that we found to be a logical thing in our life. 

In the mean time, just enjoy my real intention, which is to uplift your level of information. You have heard before that knowledge is power; but why is knowledge power? What does it afford you, what does it give you? Choice and options! If you don't know any better, because you don't know anything different from whatever you learnt and however you learnt it, then you are essentially what I call “chained or imprisoned to your own ignorance.

My intention is empowerment, not to try to change your whole life or hope that you do this or that, it's to simply uplift information. I am not here for you to believe me or to take my word for it, don't believe me because I am saying it, research it on your own. I am not interested in your faith; I am interested in speaking to you about how I understand this stuff, and if it makes sense, because I am only going to talk logic and basic fundamental biology here.

I’ll keep you posted on the right foods to eat and the best way to keep in shape and live in accordance with nature.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Residential Power Yoga Teacher Training in Colorado with Fred Busch

Residential Power Yoga Teacher Training in Colorado with Fred Busch

Live at Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado for 21 Days of Intensive Yoga, Massage Therapy, Philosophy, Meditation, Anatomy, Hiking and much more!

Yoga Alliance Certification in Colorado with Fred Busch for 200 and 500 Hours.

200/300 Hour Program: $2,950 plus room/board
500 Hour Program: $4,850 plus room/board

Room/Board 21 Days available for only 6 students - $1450


Yoga Teacher Training in Europe - Fred Busch Power Yoga Instructor Course in Malta

Yoga Teacher Training in Europe - Fred Busch Power Yoga Instructor Course in Malta
starting dates in February and July 2012

Yoga Instructor Course  Europe is hosted in Malta by Jungle Spirit Yoga.  The Fred Busch Power Yoga Teacher Training  in Malta is a Yoga Teacher Training  Europe and is ideal for international yoga students and teachers from Europe, England, Middle East, and Russia who are yoga teachers or are interested in teaching yoga professionally and or deepening their practice by learning from one of the USA’s best known Yoga Masters.  Malta is the an Island full of incredible history and unique culture, underground catacombs, and very ancient temple sites.  The beaches of this Mediterranean island are breathtaking and  the Jungle Spirit Yoga Center is large and open aired and with a great feeling and energy.

200 & 500 Hour
  Yoga Alliance           Certification 
18 February-17 March
A 4-week intensive teacher training program on the sunny Mediterranean island of Malta, Europe, provided byFred Busch power-yoga-guru (USA).

The training is fully certified by the International Yoga Alliance and thenumbers are limited to 20 
+356 9999 1844 or email junglespiritmalta(at) 

Yoga Teacher Training Peru - Power Yoga Instructor Course South America

Yoga Teacher Training Peru - Power Yoga Instructor Course South America

5th yoga certification with Fred Busch
april 23 – may 20, 2012

The premier 200hr/500hr Hot Yoga & Power Yoga Teacher Training lead by Fred Busch in Miami, New York, London, Lima, Bogota, & Malta Europe. Fred Busch Power Yoga trainings offer the best of all worlds.  Hot Vinyasa Yoga with exposure to all the deepest teachings of Yoga, Yoga philosophy and tantra.   Our Yoga Training is a comprehensive program that joins the Hot Vinyasa Yoga with a powerful background in physiology and anatomy while weaving together Asana, Pranayama,  Visualization, Meditation, Mantra, Eating Wisely, and Healing.  Fred Busch is Author of  A Clear and Definite Path  and The Lower Back Bible. To learn more visit Fred Busch Power Yoga.

The program will be held in Lima, Peru. The cost is $2450 for 4 weeks. Total cost includes a non refundable $500 application fee (For information, please contact lima yogashala at +511 995962239, or Fred busch, at 305-606-2169. If you pay the application fee before feb 14th you will get a US$ 250 discount.
application form

space is limited, in order to reserve your spot you can download your aplication form and pay your registration fee online, email us a copy to or by visiting lima yoga.

Power Yoga Colombia - Fred Busch Yoga Curso en Bogota

Power Yoga Colombia in Bogota with Fred Busch Teacher Training

Yoga Alliance Teacher Training, 200 horas
200 horas Teacher Training Fred Busch Power Vinyasa Yoga
Noviembre 12 a Diciembre 5 de 2012. Programa intensivo de 4 semanas de entrenamiento para poder registrarse como r.y.t. (registered yoga teacher) ante el yoga alliance en usa, organización mundial no lucrativa de yoga con mayor reconocimiento a nivel mundial.
De lunes a sábados de 9 a 4 p.m. Un típico día intensivo es:
9 am - 11 am práctica de asanas
11 am - 1 pm teoría del yoga
1 pm - 1:30 pm pequeño break para nuestros snacks (no tomamos almuerzo)
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm práctica de enseñanza
1- Entrenamiento intensivo con Fred Busch – todos los días por las 3 primeras semanas
2- Práctica de yoga y exámenes– la cuarta semana, de acuerdo a tu disponibilidad de horario se requerirá que observes y asistas a 5 clases y deberás presentar un informe de las clases, y asistar a los exámenes prácticos diarios de tus compañeros que consiste en dictar una clase. Durante la última semana tambien también se dará el examen teórico final y un seminario intensivos sobre Ayurveda dictado por Alex Landázuri, Director de LimaYoga.
Atender al 100% de las clases del teacher training. Si faltas a una o dos clases se te tienen que reprogramar. Aprobar satisfactoriamente el examen escrito y el práctico.
Contenido del programa
ste programa es ideal para aquellos interesados en convertirse en instructores profesionales de yoga, y también para aquellos que desean profundizar su práctica de yoga, dándoles las herramientas y conocimientos necesarios para ofrecer una enseñanza segura y de calidad.
-Asanas y alineación
-Técnicas de enseñanza
-Secuencias terapéuticas
-Secuencias de Power Yoga
-Clases privadas y grupales
-Anatomía del Yoga
-Filosofía del Yoga
-Yoga en la vida diaria
-Anatomía energética (Chakras, Nadis, Bandhas)
-Yoga y alimentación (Vegetariana, Vegana, Cruda)
-Introducción al Sánscrito
Costo del programa
El costo del programa es de US$2550. Inscripciones y reserva de cupo US$200 dólares (La cuota de inscripción es no reembolsable y está incluida en el costo total del curso).Para personas que terminen de hacer el pago antes del 1 de Agosto de 2012 el valor del programa quedará en US$2000

Fred Busch Power Yoga Teacher Training in New York

School: Fred Busch Power Yoga - New York 
Location: New York, New York
Dates: October 13 - November 11, 2012
Style: Hot Power Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga
Description : 28 Day Intensive  - 200/ 300/ 500 Hour Yoga 

  Yoga Nanda is the premier destination for advanced studies, offering a very special 4-week intensive 200-hour Yoga Alliance® and 500-hour Yoga Alliance®  registered teacher training program with power yoga guru Fred Busch! Fred brings to Yoga Nanda a highly renowned skill set that has garnered him acknowledgement throughout the world. He has taught his trade throughout the world, including such locations as Malta, London, Lima and Bogata. Yoga Nanda will be the benefactor of his first United States training course outside of his home studio in Miami. This unique program will certify students in Power (Vinyasa) yoga, however that is only the beginning. Fred’s curriculum is most comprehensive, integrating the wisdom of spiritual indian traditions with modern yogic interpretations, creating a dynamic yoga teacher that unites body, mind, and spirit. 
Contact Fred Busch directly for any questions- 305.606.2169