Monday, June 25, 2012

We are starving for good quality touch. Yoga teaching is healing for that reason!

Did you know?  Did you know that most of us are starving?  In this world that we live in, very few people get touched with a kind of love that has no conditions.  We are all kind of starving for touch. Touch is a nutrient in the same way that food, water and sunlight are nutrients that are required for health and well being and for a feeling of connection. I think you may have known these studies, but if you take a baby and you put that baby in an isolated unit and do not allow that baby to be touched, it will die. If you don't touch it, it won’t live. Touch is actually a nutrient that is required for healing growth and for human well being. So perhaps this gives an idea of its relative importance in our lives.  And as yoga teachers this is why a kind and loving touch is of such value to our students!

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