Thursday, January 24, 2013


“Yesterday i slipped down the stairs and landed without injury... also yesterday my foot slipped while walking indoors and I almost fell badly but managed to stay on my feet.

I learn two things from these events. One is that at any any time could be our time to die and that life is precious and not to be taken for granted.

Also reinforced is how Yoga and my Asana and meditation practices are so beneficial in my everyday life. I remember falling my foot sliding off that stair and being very relaxed and ready.

The physical dexterity and mental equanimity that Yoga gives us is invaluable in tough moments.”...Fred Busch
*Commentary on Fred’s experience...”Equanimity” (upekṣhā) is mentioned in Patañjali's Yoga Sutras (Raja Yoga - 1.33[2]), as one of the four sublime attitudes, along with “loving-kindness” (maitri), “compassion” (karuṇā), and “joy” (mudita). This list is identical to the four immeasurables in Buddhist literature. These are the qualities of true, authentic, and unconditional love. Both Patañjali, the Indian sage who compiled the Yoga Sutras in the second century BCE, and the Buddha taught the importance of cultivating these four states of mind.

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