Saturday, May 16, 2015

Here You Can See Yoga Teacher Training Tips

Yoga Teacher Training – 5 Tips and Guidelines for How to Be a Great Yoga Teacher
Being a great Yoga Teacher is not easy.   Great Yoga teachers express a series of characteristics and skills that allow them to become popular and retain students over the course of  the years.  By examining these characteristics and skills it becomes possible to integrate these traits into our yoga teaching and become an even better teacher.

This article examines some of the most important Tips and Guidelines for being a great Yoga Teacher!
Tip #1 – Be a Yogi and Live Yoga

Being a Yoga Teacher is not about simply having a good career.  Teaching Yoga is not just a regular job like all the rest.  The most important aspect of Great Yoga Teachers is that they live Yoga.  It is OK to be a part time yoga teacher, and full time Yogi… in fact that is ideal!  It is not OK to be a full time yoga teacher while only being a part-time Yogi.  Yoga students can often sense who are the teachers that practice what they teach.

Tip #2 – Teach with Love not Ego 

Here You can see rise to a beautiful day

rise to a beautiful day! ☀ ...and it just so happens to be Friday! TGIF! 🎉

• 6:30am @blissful_logan_yoga • 9am @mayarayoga • 10:30am @courtneyshea • HIPPIE HAPPY HOUR • 4:30pm @meganelizabeth_yoga • 6:30pm @lulumale •
VILLAGE VIPASSANA 8pm @mayarayoga • FREE guided meditation every Friday!

#miamiyogabrickell #miamiyoga #hotyogi #sukhasana #smile #mudra #mefreditation

Dinner out with the very special Laurie Virginia and Laura Mata to celebrate time together and say thank

Dinner out with the very special Laurie Virginia and Laura Mata to celebrate time together and say thanks! The Lima Yoga teacher training students were so lucky to have Laurie and Laura co-teaching with us! And get ready Panama because Laurie and myself are getting ready to bring the Fred Busch Teacher Training to Panama very soon! #fredbuschyoga #hotyoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogateachertraining #yoga #hatha #meditation #panamayoga #miamiyoga #brickellyoga #gratitude #blessed 

Laurie Virginia teaching her final and amazing class at Lima Yoga this season

Laurie Virginia teaching her final and amazing class at Lima Yoga this season!!! Everybody loves her and we will all miss her and await her return!!! — with Sonia Castro and Delfa Sifuentes.

Here you can see Fitness Franchise

Yoga Franchises offers the opportunity to own a Fitness Franchise,  one of the franchise world’s fastest growing markets.  Amongst the fitness industries offerings for potential frachisees, Yoga Studio Franchises are particularly worthy of consideration as within the world of fitness the Hot Power Vinyasa Yoga style is one of the most popular and fastest growing practices.   Putting these two trends of Fitness and Yoga together makes the opportunity to own a Fred Busch’s Miami Yoga Franchise unique and attractive.  And knowing that you own a business that truly and significantly helps people makes everything truly more fulfilling than you ever thought possible.

Yoga is a $6.9 billion industry, according to a paper by IBIS World, in 2013 the Yoga Studio Industry was the fourth-fastest growing industry outperformed narrowly by the For-Profit Universities & the 3-D printing industry. An approximate 3.8% annual increase in industry revenue is anticipated. By 2018, the total market value will then be $8.1 billion

Friday, May 15, 2015

Here you can See Salamadhi Ranch now has resident Wild Turkeys

This kind of stuff makes me very happy! Salamadhi Ranch now has resident Wild Turkeys!!!

This kind of stuff makes me very happy

This kind of stuff makes me very happy! Salamadhi Ranch in Colorado now has resident Wild Turkeys!!! ‪#‎salamadhi‬ ‪#‎colorado‬ ‪#‎fredbuschyoga‬ ‪#‎yogaretreat‬ ‪#‎hotyoga‬ ‪#‎wildlife‬ ‪#‎nature‬ ‪#‎ranch‬ ‪#‎yoga‬ ‪#‎miamiyoga‬ ‪#‎coloradoyoga‬ @fredbuschyoga

Demonstrating uddiyana bandha and mahabandha yesterday in the training

Demonstrating #uddiyana #bandha and #mahabandha yesterday in the training! These practices are for people with consistent #sadhana #teachertraining #yogateachercertification #fredbuschteachertraining #fredbuschyoga #power #poweryoga #vinyasayoga #miamiyoga #yogamiami #yogatherapy #davieyoga #yogadavie #miramaryoga #kendallyoga #brickellyoga #aventurayoga #tantra @limayoga @fredbuschyoga

Graduation of teacher training with Fred Busch

Graduation of teacher training with Fred Busch. Infinite Thanks Fred Busch LIMA YOGA Laura Mata Laurie Virginia,,, for everything and to all of you guys, my family limeña,

I love you!!! Ana Lucía Cabrera Ana Ines Gallo Gabriela Vargas Telaya Niko Kisic Monica Lins De Barros Pilar Prado Tarrillo Vanessa Sanchez Martina Stemann Patricia Moreno Flores Andrea Doggett Brian Marisol Jimmy Pool Ingrid Olórtegui Ingrid Carbajal Lorena Manning Dayana Cadenas Maria Laura Tolmos Coquelet Ashlee Jasmyn Russell Franco Sanchez Carla Baldoceda, Lola Tere, Michel, Ursula, Olga, Carla , maria, Jessica

Here you can see crisespejo is doing her 500 hour certification

@crisespejo is doing her 500 hour certification and here is teaching meditation very well!!! 

Here you can See Querido Fred

Querido Fred,

De esos días en los que agradeces todo lo que tuvo que pasar para que hoy estemos aquí, en los que se te hincha el corazón de felicidad y la sonrisa aparece instantánea. De esos días, tan intensos, uno como hoy, que al escucharte sin importar la diferencia de idiomas y quizás no entender todo, con tan solo ver tus ojos lo comprendo. Gracias por ser mi maestro, por haberme señalado gran parte de mi camino, por enseñarme a rendirme y mirar, por sentir, ser y estar.

Hermosa clase maestra,


Here You Can See Kung Fu Warrior Pose

Kung Fu Warrior Pose! Here I am teaching about sequencing and variations! 

Hoy fue el último día de clases de mi teacher training con Fred Busch

"Hoy fue el último día de clases de mi teacher training con Fred Busch y solo quería decir que si antes aman a el yoga, ahora ese amor es apasionado, he aprendido mucho sobre la práctica de yoga , alineamientos, como hacer ajustes, posturas, como llevar el flow de una clase, como manejar lesiones y como hacer una sección de sanción, un poco sobre masaje. Metidos de respiración, pranayama y meditación. Sobre anatomía, los músculos, huesos, los ligamentos y el cuerpo humano, su funcionamiento como hacer una buena practica de yoga sin lesionar el cuerpo.
Aprendí sobre a historia y filosofía del yoga, sus orígenes, estilos, características , sus corriente, sobre los chakras.

Aprendí que el yoga no es solo una práctica física sino también metal y espiritual en la búsqueda de la iluminación según lo que tu necesites en el momento que vives.
Aprendí a aceptarme y respetarme como soy, asumir responsabilidad sobre mis acciones y el efecto positivo o negativo que ellas tengan. A poder resolver problemas tomando la mejor perspectiva posible. A tener compasión hacías las personas que sufres y no reaccionar cuando nos atacan.
Aprendí a alimentarme mejor y a curar mi cuerpo. En un mes he bajado 10 kilos, lo que me ha hecho muy feliz y pretendo seguir.

Conocí personas maravillosas con las que compartí todos estos días en donde solo sentí buenas vibras y amor.

He conocido a Fred Busch un profesor de yoga espectacular que compartió con nosotros todos sus conocimientos, al cual admiro mucho y del cual he aprendido un montón como persona, en mi practica y como profesora de yoga.
He convivido con profesores maravillosos como Laurie Virginia, Laura Mata y Alexander Landazuri los cuales me han ayudado mucho en este proceso y de los cuales he aprendido un montón
Me faltan palabras para describir la gratitud que siento por a ver llevado este profesorado y solo puedo decir gracias. y espero seguir creciendo como persona, como yogui y como profesora de yoga.
Realmente lo recomiendo un montón este profesorado que empieza el lunes"
Thanks Vanessa Sanchez!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Teaching Practice to Teach

Teaching Practice to Teach #core #abs #corepoweryoga #power #fredbuschyoga #fun #smiles #family #sangha #yoga #yogalima #limayoga #miamiyoga #yogamiami #davieyoga #yogadavie #miramaryoga #aventurayoga #kendallyoga #brickellyoga #gratitude #teachertraining #yogainstructorcourse #fearless #yogaeverydamnday #blessed #yogatherapy 

Here You Can See Mixed Martial Yoga Martial Arts and Yoga System

Jimmy Pool is a Martial Arts MASTER and co-creator of Mixed Martial Yoga - MMY

Here you can see Pop Quiz

Pop Quiz! #sanskrit #yoga #yogateachertraining #fredbuschyoga #yogaeverydamnday #poweryoga #vinyasayoga #vegan #vegetarian #meditation #miamiyoga #davieyoga #aventurayoga #limayoga @limayoga @fredbuschyoga @laurievirginia @lauramatach @crisespejo 

Here yoou can see It ALL ABOUT PROBIOTICS

It ALL ABOUT PROBIOTICS. #vegan #vegetarian #health #ibs #healing #fredbuschyoga #yoganutrition #yogateachertraining #nutrition #miamiyoga #limayoga

Monday, May 4, 2015

Everybody learns a bit of Prenatal Yoga

Everybody learns a bit of Prenatal Yoga! #yogateachertraining @limayoga @fredbuschyoga #fredbuschteachertraining #fredbuschyoga #yoga #prenatalyoga #prenatal #yogalima #yogamiami #miamiyoga #health #power #poweryoga #vinyasayoga

Friday, May 1, 2015

I am teaching my first MASTER CLASS TONGHT in Lima at the Surco studio

I am teaching my first MASTER CLASS TONGHT in Lima at the Surco studio at 7pm. Register with Gabriela Sologuren or Alexander Landazuri

Hope to see you there Lima!

The first two Teacher Trainings SOLD OUT so we scheduled ONE MORE in Lima

The first two Teacher Trainings SOLD OUT so we scheduled ONE MORE in Lima! To register contact Gabriela Sologuren or Alexander Landazuri.

POWER YOGA NIGHT este jueves 30 de abril con Fred Busch

POWER YOGA NIGHT este jueves 30 de abril con Fred Busch

Si quieres convertirte en Profesor de Yoga y/o seguir profundizando en tu práctica, este taller es para ti.

Te invitamos a disfrutar de 2 horas de práctica con Fred Busch, quien además de guiarte te presentará el nuevo Teacher Training de Power Yoga, que se llevará a cabo del 11 de mayo al 7 de junio de 2015, y responderá todas tus preguntas.

Y eso no es todo, si reservas tu vacante para el Teacher Training de Power Yoga con Fred Busch o haces el pago completo, podrás acceder a un descuento muy especial (solo para los asistentes al Power Yoga Night).

Fecha: Jueves 30 de abril
Horario: de 4pm a 6pm
Lugar: LimaYoga Magdalena (Calle Gonzales Prada 676)
Precio: 30 soles

> Cancela el monto en efectivo o tarjeta en los estudios de limaYoga, en horario de clases, o
> Deposita o transfiere el monto, envía la constancia de operación a y lleva tu voucher el jueves.
Cuenta Corriente Soles Interbank: 108-3000779750
Código Interbancario: 003-108-003000779750-86
Titular: Lima Yogashala SAC
RUC: 20522268721

Te dejamos el link con la información del nuevo Teacher Training:

¡Te esperamos!


Thursday, April 30, 2015

As part a me known as Nutrisweet and Equal and other names is TOXIC POISON

As part a me known as Nutrisweet and Equal and other names is TOXIC POISON. Even Pepsi now recognizes and they have an interest that should have kept their status quo but even their scientists concur that it is so bad they must admit their mistake and remove it from their products!

Here you can See Yoga Teacher Training Instructs

This is one of the Teacher Training requirements that i feel provides the most benefits in our daily life! Besides all the other ones smile emoticon

Nobody likes a complainer! Even though we don’t like complainers we are complaining to ourselves all the time in our head! What a difference our life would be like if only we just stopped complaining all the time… either out loud or in our heads! Either way don’t complain…do something about it :)
Want to feel deep peace in your life? Stop complaining and see how it effects your experience of life!

For More :-Yoga Teacher Training Instructs

Want to help Nepal

Want to help Nepal?
Oxfam is one of the organizations with the highest integrity and effectiveness in major disasters!

For More Click here Nepal

The most challenging pose to teach as well as to practice

Teaching Savasana!! The most challenging pose to teach as well as to practice!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

This is a great adjustment for back bending for people with tight shoulders or sensitive wrists

This is a great adjustment for back bending for people with tight shoulders or sensitive wrists! #yogateachertraining #yogateachercertification #yoga #limayoga #miamiyoga #fredbuschyoga #davieyoga #yogamiami #yogadavie #miramaryoga #aventurayoga #brickellyoga #exercise #wristpain #yogatherapy #backbends #backpain #healing #blessed #gratitude

Here You Can See Teaching Practice and Smiling

Teaching Practice and Smiling! #fredbuschyoga #yogateachertraining #limayoga @limayoga @fredbuschyoga #miamiyoga

Teaching today about yoga therapy

Teaching today about yoga therapy! Yoga for #backpain to avoid #backsurgery is one of the major curriculum points of our #yogateachertraining #limayoga @limayoga @fredbuschyoga #miamiyoga #yogamiami #davieyoga #yogadavie #kendallyoga #brickellyoga #power #poweryoga #vinyasayoga #hotyoga #yogatherapy #yoga #yogaeverydamnday 

Yoga Teacher Training Instructs Top 3 Reasons to Never Take Things Personally

Fred Busch’s Yoga Teacher Training Instructs – Top 3 Reasons to Never Take Things Personally
In his Hot Power Vinyasa Teacher Training, Fred Busch mentions many things about enlightenment and the ways to live more enlightened in daily life!  One key skill of the enlightened Yogi is to never take things personally no matter what!  When we take things personally it makes us suffer and experience negativity in our lives.

For More details Click here 

Teaching bodywork and massage therapy skills

Teaching bodywork and massage therapy skills!!!

Fred Busch Fred Busch's Miami Yoga Studio is now announcing association with our SISTER STUDIO

Fred Busch Fred Busch's Miami Yoga Studio is now announcing association with our SISTER STUDIO Red Bike Studio

Beginning May 1st members of both studio who wish to purchase a Combined Yoga/Indoor Cycling Monthly Unlimited will be able to do so and attend both studios as UNLIMITED members for $270 per month!

We know that Yogis love Cardio and Cyclists love Yoga so we are very happy to merge these complimentary practices and offer this special option for our combined communities!

For More Click here 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Assisting me this year in Lima Such amazing people all around me

Assisting me this year in Lima! Such amazing people all around me!!! @laurievirginia @lauramatach @limayoga @fredbuschyoga

Teaching about the physiological evidence that we don't eat flesh

Teaching about the physiological evidence that we don't eat flesh. Just finished day school of YogaNutrition Night School at Lima Yoga! I love teaching this training!

I was never a gymnast Yoga Good Food Meditation POWER

I was never a gymnast... Yoga + Good Food + Meditation = POWER

Yoga Nutritionist Professional Certification in Lima begins

Yoga Nutritionist™ Professional Certification in Lima begins TONIGHT at 7pm

If you want to make the move that you will thank yourself for FOREVER... contact Gabriela Sologuren or Alexander Landazuri because you can still register 

We are practicing teaching meditation today amongst so many other things

We are practicing teaching meditation today amongst so many other things!!! What great days here!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Reasons to Avoid Pharmaceuticals Unethical Research

New York Times today says: “Borderline personality disorder, which is estimated to affect 1 percent to 2 percent of Americans, is characterized by extreme mood swings,impulsivity and fears of abandonment. Studies have shown that the most successful treatments are specialized forms of talk therapy, but finding practitioners who are trained in these methods can be difficult. Many doctors prescribe antipsychotics and antidepressants to help with some symptoms.

For MORE Click Here 

Top 3 Reasons to Try Vegan or Vegetarian Food

Most people don't realize that basic biological functioning like male virility and female reproduction capacity is highly related to food intake!

Here I am demonstrating the scorpian handstand at Teacher Training in Lima

When the variables of food, daily practice and compassion align then all of the most challenging yoga poses become within reach!

Here I am demonstrating the scorpian handstand at Teacher Training in Lima!

My YogaNutrition program starts this Monday night!!! Want to be the most powerful person possible? This training is the way! 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Here You can see Night School for Yoga Nutritionist

Night School for YogaNutritionist™ Certification begins in LIMA YOGA on Monday evening at 7pm. Unlike the Yoga Teacher Training which is sold this year... this training still has a few spaces. This course is designed for people who want to learn everything possible about the subject of nutrition for personal or professional reasons. Prepare to learn the complete story of nutrition, human biology, digestive anatomy, natural law, and health and to be able to deliver a competent and compelling 'Food Talk' to your student base or your health coach clients. Graduates include KO's Ale Llosa and Silvia P. Duart SpiritualCoaching feel free to ask them about it

Here I was teaching about what is called LIONS BREATH in Yoga

Today was a TON of FUN!!! Here I was teaching about what is called LIONS BREATH in Yoga and explaining how the psychic quality and visualization are the most important and advanced part of the practice! Both of my groups here in Lima are absolutely spectacular and i know there is going to be a LOT of GREAT TEACHERS! 

What a BLESSING Our Full Time Group at Lima yoga.

What a BLESSING! Our Full Time Group at #limayoga #fredbuschyoga #teachertraining #amazing #poweryoga #vinyasayoga #hotyoga #yogainstructor #yogi #yoga #miamiyoga #brickellyoga #davieyoga #aventurayoga #kendallyoga #yogalima #yogamiami #yogaeverydamnday #core #corepoweryoga #fitness #healing #vegan #vegetarian #prana #protein #blessed

Primer día del Teacher training con el maestro Fred Busch

Primer día del Teacher training con el maestro Fred Busch en @limayoga ..todos muy atentos . #gratitud

Here You Can See Lima Yoga Weekend Teacher Training.

I love this group already!!! Lima Yoga Weekend Teacher Training! And tmrw I meet our Full Time group!!! So excited to be here in Lima!!! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

In lima getting ready for the start of teacher training yoga.

In lima getting ready for the start of #teachertraining #yoga #limayoga #fredbuschyoga #poweryoga #hotyoga #vinyasayoga #meditation #bliss #gratitude #miamiyoga #davieyoga #yogadavie #miramaryoga #aventurayoga #brickellyoga #kendallyoga #healing #blessed.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

I am arriving to LIMA YOGA this Friday.

I am arriving to LIMA YOGA this Friday!!! Trainings start this SATURDAY!!! I am very excited to return to my 2nd home...LIMA!

Here You Can See Megan Elizabeth teaching a PACKED class tonight .

Megan Elizabeth teaching a PACKED class tonight and starting with a relaxation pose!

Peacock Pose The Destroyer of Disease Yoga Posture Tutorial

First of all don’t be intimidated by the picture!  There are many very simplified and accessible versions of Mayurasana that almost anyone can begin to practice and get the huge benefits mentioned below!
Peacock Posture is called Mayurasana in Sanskrit and according to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika is an asana known as the ‘Destroyer of Disease’.  The relationship between Peacock Pose and destroying disease has two aspects.

For one Agni is developed when practicing Peacock Pose and Agni is the sacred hot fire within that burns away the obstacles that may cause disease processes to manifest.  Secondly the digestive fire is stimulated by practicing Peacock and many health experts agree that constipation is the root cause of al disease.

Read More 

I'm teaching tmrw in Brickell at 1030 for Danielle Hebert!!!

I'm teaching tmrw in Brickell at 1030 for Danielle Hebert!!!

Even a little walk or small bits of exercise add up real fast.

Even a little walk or small bits of exercise add up real fast! Do everything u can to keep moving during the day even for 5 min intervals! #fitness #healing #weightloss #wellbeing #exercise #prevention #fit #yoga #vinyasayoga #poweryoga #miamiyoga #gratitude #fredbuschyoga #brickell

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Here you can see About to jump off the bridge at Victoria Falls THE SMOKE THAT THUNDERS in Zambia 1998.

About to jump off the bridge at Victoria Falls THE SMOKE THAT THUNDERS in Zambia 1998! This is one of the biggest bungee jumps on earth and there are crocodiles in the river below! #adventure #yoga #africa #zimbabwe #zambia #vicfalls #travel #fearless #fun #gratitude #swahili @fredbuschyoga #miamiyoga #hiking #nature

Good morning from Salamadhi Ranch.

Good morning from #salamadhiranch #nature #hiking #yoga #colorado #yogaretreat #fredbuschyoga #grace #wildlife #blessed