Friday, January 16, 2015

Did you know? Did you know that the herd is 'falling off the cliff'?

Did you know? Did you know that the herd is 'falling off the cliff'?

Indeed all around us we see the great herd of modern humanity is simply 'falling off the cliff' so to speak with poor food and exercise decisions.

All over the world today we are seeing similar trends of disease and degeneration as humans move more towards a sedentary lifestyle and animal based dietary.

I personally find it unacceptable for older people to have to suffer a degenerative stage of great length before death.... and for young people to be dying of something that can be prevented!!! I will continue to use platforms available to me to work to prevent this as best i can.. The mechanisms behind tumor growth are understood by many (and even some medical doctors) and can be mitigated to great extent. Too many classically trained nutritionists are counseling people to eat according to the old ‘food pyramid’ which does not distinguish between fried animal protein and raw plant protein. No wonder we seeing such unenviable results!

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