Saturday, January 24, 2015

Whether it is adding anything useful or not to the contemporary debates on the news.

Whether it is adding anything useful or not to the contemporary debates on the news... let me just say from my personal experience living and traveling for almost a year in Islamic countries... that Muslim people are the most generous and kind hearted and brotherly of any i have ever met.
I can personally recount so many lessons i have learned from wise and beautiful souls in these countries including the importance of living with the awareness of God at all times.
Radical Islam is not supported by mainstream Islamic people in the same way that Radical Fundamental Christianity is not supported by most Christians... or radical violent Jewish groups are not supported by mainstream Jews.

We all need to take the step back to see that we are all humans and their really can be only one Creator smile emoticon and we are all talking about the SAME DIVINE... and that Islam is one of the great religious traditions on Earth...and for good reason...and that ALL Religions... not just Islam...and especially Christianity have been subjected throughout history to various radical and sometimes even non radical elements using religious doctrine as an excuse to kill entire populations and steal power, land and resources.

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