Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Obesity not a problem? - Think Again...

So you think taxing garbage foods is a bad idea huh? Obesity in this country is not affecting your health care costs huh?
Radical action may be required action to stop this epidemic according to global health experts!

Obesity is a problem in low, middle and high income countries

Body fat being measured using callipers.
Obesity is a problem in low, middle and high income countries
From the article: "Governments had been too slow to act on the 'obesity crisis'."
"There is more willingness to invest in drugs and surgery than dealing with the underlying causes."

Author Nick Triggle also compared the tactics of the food industry - in terms of getting peopl...e addicted to their products and in blocking attempts to discourage consumption - to those of tobacco firms in previous decades.' - the FAT tax is coming.

Read more:

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