Saturday, October 18, 2014

Did you know? Did you know that most of the Yogas we practice in the west are forms of Hatha Yoga,?

Did you know? Did you know that most of the Yogas we practice in the west are forms of Hatha Yoga, which is a practice of Tantra.
Tantric Masters differentiated themselves from more traditional Yogis by embracing the physical body as important to develop so that higher states of meditation can be reached.
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is the original source text for Tantric Hatha Yoga Practices and almost all asana, pranayama and mudra practices have their roots there!
The use of the word Tantra in a sexual thematic is a huge misunderstanding of the intention and Masters in Yoga and Tantra always describe that direction as one of the the greatest pitfalls and distractions on the path.

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