Saturday, October 18, 2014

Did you know? Did you know that while everybody has heard ?

Did you know? Did you know that while everybody has heard that 'attachment' to things is not a positive quality... few people realize that the opposite... 'aversion' is an equally not positive quality?
Attachment is a function of mis-understanding and believing that something external to you can deliver the deepest peace and fulfillment. This illusion can never result in conditions leading to the highest frequencies of wellbeing.

But perhaps MORE INTERESTING is that Yoga Masters guide us to keep aware that attachment's opposite...'aversion' (hatred towards or negativity towards something) is an equally big obstacle on the path towards more deep peace and fearlessness.

Hatred or judgement or disgust towards something or someone creates a very negative energy field within our own being. It is us that pays the price for these lower states of consciousness... and anyone who has heard of psychoimmunology appreciates that our immune systems are related to our attitude and sense of humor!

Have a great day and as Patanjali says 'be indifferent to that which would have created disgust' and watch how your world is flooded with more energy and vitality and love.

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